Sharing is Caring
By: Erin
Have you ever heard that phrase?
“Sharing is caring”
Maybe in your kindergarten days…..
I think for me it’s never been more true
When it comes to sharing with the world, my friends or just
I tell people my story, the up and the down
Times when I’ve flown and times when I’ve hit the ground
I chat about my past hurts, my current trials, frustrations
It’s amazing how many people can relate to what I’ve been
I share my life with my friends, my family, and those near
No matter if I need to laugh, talk, scream, smile or cry
I discuss my goals, dreams, ambitions and hopes
Also my fears about being held down by my own ropes
I cannot walk this walk alone, and neither can any of you
It’s easy to be embarrassed and ashamed but think this
To feel better, less alone, less strange or distant
We must choose to share our lives and become resistant
Resistant to desires to hide away out of sight
Resistant to push others away by picking a fight
Resiliency is something inside each of us encouraged by hope
and love
It is something we become by knowing we are not alone
And by sharing our stories and lives we will become known
By becoming known we are caring for ourselves by reminding
us “we’re OK”
We too are caring for others in much of the exact same way
So really I have no problem stand up and declaring:
Sharing really is caring