Chain Reaction
By: Erin
He said; She said
Don’t do this – do that instead
Okay why not?
Apparently I’m better at it than I thought
It feels good to be praised and built up
Until someone looks close up
Nope this is not for you
You feel sad, but underneath you already knew
There was something else for you
Someone says try this out today
Wow you’re great! You’ll go all the way
You rejoice with the nice words being said
But those words are not enough to get you daily out of bed
So you say no thanks it’s not for me I’m afraid
People stare in your eyes displeased; dismayed
What is important in my heart?
That is where I should start.
What are the convictions God has planted in me
If I could do anything – what would that be?
Who do I love down to their core?
How can I bring more love, more love and more?
What ignites my soul from stillness to action?
For passion produces a chain reaction
A desire to move
A desire to change
A desire to improve
The world in which we currently reside
What we do in that time though is ours to decide