I sing in the shower
I dance in my kitchen
I will never forget the love you've shared
Or the ways you've cared
For me
As I have looked to find where my place could be
My name is Erin
Let's walk this journey we are on
Let's go, come on
It won't be easy, simple or a breeze
Not when we are fighting darkness, illness and disease
but let's not stop - nothing will get in our way
and tomorrow will be a better day
That is the journey
A journey of strength
A journey of love
A journey of joy
but most of all
This journey is symbolized by an unbreakable rope
This is the Journey of Hope

I'm Erin. I am a university student -- I like to write and share poetry, so I made this blog. I'm super passionate about loving people for where they are in life and also trying to do the same for myself. I've struggled with an eating disorder for most of my life, and I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I have been in some form of treatment for some time now, but just now have really begun to wrestle with true recovery which is incredible and challenging and scary and fantastic and hard and exciting all at once! I like to think that while these illnesses have been tremendous challenges, they have helped shape me to be the person I am today, and while sometimes I'm frustrated about the difficulties associated with them, and am often times exhausted by recovery and treatment, now that I am learning how to manage them - I'm also learning how to live and not just survive!
My goals in life are to live for bringing light to the world (even if it's just a small little bit). Also, doing my best (even when that means taking it easy!) And to do whatever I can to reduce the stigma, shame and embarrassment that comes with living with a mental illness. I am not embarrassed about how some medical book defines me... I'm determined to celebrate the person that God has created me to be - and use the resources He has provided me so that I too can live my life for His glory!
I hope you like my poems!!!!
Recovery is/has been a HUGE leap of faith.
But worth it.
Every time I feel I can't do it anymore
God gives me a reason to keep going...
Jumping into recovery is the most terrifying
and uncomfortable thing I've ever done
But by far the most amazing thus far.
Go ahead -- do it, jump.

You Are Great Erin
ReplyDeleteThanks! You are too. Whoever you are:)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog Erin! It has really helped me through things. All of your poems are amazing and relate to me perfectly! I think this blog is great and I am glad that you are recovering :) God has such a great plan for your life!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad you like it! Writing helps me a lot, and I'm glad what I have put on paper has helped you a little too! Thanks for the encouragement... I'm definitely working on recovery... one step at a time... You can do it to!! <3
ReplyDeleteErin - This is so beautiful. I'm so proud of you. Your section called "dealing with food" pulled tears. I'm pretty certain that every girl, to varying degrees, deals with serious issues with self image. Culture makes out like what we look like is the only thing that gives us value and for all the @$$ holes out there that think that's true, that's too bad for them - because they are blind to and are missing out on what really counts in life and they'll never experience the joy that comes with seeing someone as fully human. I know I have delt with self image for sure and I still have my days. I have had to turn mirrors around. I'm glad you're not ashamed to be fighting this out loud because God only knows how many women's lives you'll touch and inspire through your story. You're definitely not the only one struggling. I love you so much. -Keisha