Purpose: To stand together UNITED raising awareness, educating the public and supporting those that struggle with mental illness.

Stand up for your friends.
Stand up for your family.
Stand up for life.
Stand with me... and those that stood before me.
You deserve it.
The concept of 'Where I Stand' was developed with my best friend Lori, driving to target. I was explaining to her how passionate I had become about spreading awareness, education, and most importantly hope in regards to mental illness and recovery.'Where I Stand' is designed to combine personal testimony, awareness, education, entertainment, love, hope, encouragement, and sometimes even raise a little money for treatment and research to support the treatment of the mental illnesses that affect us all.
It's in the novice stages of being set and performed, but two productions of "Where I Stand" are in the works. More Info to Come!!!!
-- Questions? Want to learn more or become involved? email me at whereistandtoday@gmail.com
8pm Memorial Hall
* Standing together against anxiety, depression, stigma and shame
~ Featuring: Annie Lawrence (singer/songwriter) from JMU
Melissa Hopley motivational speaker
JMU Student testimonies
and more!!! -- We're excited! We hope you are too!!!!
Where I Stand JMU was a success! I cannot believe we pulled it off :) Last night my mind was spinning. (and most of yesterday my stomach was full of nerves) I kinda think dancing on stage is easier than talking... and I hardly said anything on stage last night :).
I was so inspired last night. I was inspired by the people who came to the event. Knowing that even if they took away one thought that reduces stigma or shame, one idea, or one song even - it was worth it! That gets me excited. I was SO inspired by the people who shared personal experience, and how much courage that took -- Jenny C, Laura, Melissa M, Megan, and Annie - that was so beautiful. I was inspired by how hard we all worked to get it together so that people could stand..... Alyssa, Jenny C, Jenny L, Maegan, the staff at the CSDC, future exec on active minds -- and just everyone who really supported and encouraged our effort to do this. A shout out to Into Hymn as well for singing tonight.
Check out more about Annie Lawrence one of tonight's artists singing her song: "Light is Stronger than Darkness" : http://annielawrencemusic.com/
And finally Melissa Hopely -- one of the most encouraging/inspirational speakers ever. You should check out her websites and look at the other projects she is working on.. And her enthusiasm for this event inspired all of us who were working to pull it together!
Here are her website:
There is a reason we stand together. And Where I Stand at JMU demonstrated that -- we fight stigma and shame together. We cannot do it alone.
Where I Stand JMU was a success! I cannot believe we pulled it off :) Last night my mind was spinning. (and most of yesterday my stomach was full of nerves) I kinda think dancing on stage is easier than talking... and I hardly said anything on stage last night :).
I was so inspired last night. I was inspired by the people who came to the event. Knowing that even if they took away one thought that reduces stigma or shame, one idea, or one song even - it was worth it! That gets me excited. I was SO inspired by the people who shared personal experience, and how much courage that took -- Jenny C, Laura, Melissa M, Megan, and Annie - that was so beautiful. I was inspired by how hard we all worked to get it together so that people could stand..... Alyssa, Jenny C, Jenny L, Maegan, the staff at the CSDC, future exec on active minds -- and just everyone who really supported and encouraged our effort to do this. A shout out to Into Hymn as well for singing tonight.
Check out more about Annie Lawrence one of tonight's artists singing her song: "Light is Stronger than Darkness" : http://annielawrencemusic.com/
And finally Melissa Hopely -- one of the most encouraging/inspirational speakers ever. You should check out her websites and look at the other projects she is working on.. And her enthusiasm for this event inspired all of us who were working to pull it together!
Here are her website:
There is a reason we stand together. And Where I Stand at JMU demonstrated that -- we fight stigma and shame together. We cannot do it alone.

Where I Stand -- Roanoke - Fall 2012
* Standing together against eating disorders with hope and love
~ Featuring: Valley Dance Productions Dancers
Personal testimonies from survivors
Education about what Eating Disorders are and
how we can prevent them
Poetry from those who have been affected
and more!!!!
Some of the beautiful Dancers from Valley Dance Productions that will be performing at Where I Stand Roanoke :) Love you Ladies!!!
-- Questions? Want to learn more or become involved? email me at whereistandtoday@gmail.com

Where I Stand
By: Erin
So far in the course of my life
I have stood for many things
These things have often caused me harm and strife
Hurt too, terrible pain, and those harmful things that
always sting
My mind would always say:
I should
I would
I could
The truth is….
This is where I stood:
On a mountain of shame and guilt
That I myself built
In an ocean of depression and doubt
Where I stayed silent then acted out
Below a cloud of anger and fear
Words of comfort and hope I could never hear
But today that has begun to slowly change
One foot in front of the other
I move from that dark place to brighter other
That is where I stood
This is where I stand
Here with you
Struggling my way through
Making the decision to do what is hard but right
So that my life may reflect light
Holding on when I want to let go
Knowing it’s okay if I go slow
Walking with others who choose to fight for light too
For what seems impossible for one is possible for a few
So this is where I stand
Fighting my own darkness
Fighting for light
And from where I stand you must know
We WILL be alright
This is where I stand
You choose where you want to be
My hope is that you will see
When it comes to mental illness, strain and strife
The only choice is to stand for life

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