Narrow or Wide
By: Erin
It was brought to my attention tonight that we have a choice
to make
We can choose the path that is narrow
We can choose the path that is wide
Jesus reminds that the wide will lead to destruction
And narrow will lead to life
But will too cause us great strife
Choosing wide is easier for we get to live the way we want
Be greedy, selfish, prideful, lustful, angry, self-centered
And do all of that, more and also flaunt
But narrow is hard – we must learn from our mistakes and
Keep going when it’s difficult – walk a hundred more miles
Narrow takes so much work and more
For we must train ourselves, be disciplined, fight temptations,
and withstand trail….
….because it is Christ who we adore
Ultimately though, those on the narrow path rest in eternal
After all the hardship trial and strife
Rest in Heaven and they meet the King of Kings
While the others found Hell, simply because they were obsessed
with earthly things
This is a choice for each of us personally between you and
God up high
But remember this life is temporary – one day we will all
And what will come will last forever more
And lead you either to eternal Hell, or Heaven’s supposedly “pearly
white” door