Friday, February 17, 2012

A poem for my family :)

Hoping for Recovery
By: Erin 

Mother and Father I love you so
I was your princess, my King and Queen
Brother and Sisters I love you so
I was your comrade, my partners in crime
Hugs and Kisses – laughter too
Dancing and spinning, singing and talking

Darkness fell one horrid night
ED attacked, and terror jumped inside our home
 Ugly words, fear, hate and blame
Tears were never-ending

Exhaustion, frustration, anger
Exhaustion, frustration, anger
Exhaustion, frustration, anger

I ran from you and the darkness of our home
….darkness followed
At times terror consumed my very being
I wanted you, your warm embrace
You rescued me a number of times…. But tensions always returned

It is not until now
After facing the darkness
Do I see your Love
Was there always
Each day
Holding your breath
Hoping for

What treatment is for me.

By: Erin 

It is some days my saving grace
It is at times a distressing place

It is on occasion a kind reminder
It is sometimes a fault finder

It is sometimes my friend, my support
It is some days not such a kind sort

The people I have met along the way
Have definitely helped me to stay

They have held my hand, and let me cry
They know that it’s tough, and help me comply

Family Service, Varner house, RMH, and Remuda too
All I have sought treatment, and you have seen me through

I know treatment will never really come to an end
Not for those, whose life shows this struggle and trend
But as I grow, change, and learn what I need, my treatment will definitely change and bend

So while I’ve settled in, prepared for the ride
I’ll do my best to take it in stride
Constantly getting better at taking care of me, on the inside

And when it’s hard, long and tiring
I’ll remember those people mentioned above because they are inspiring

Treatment is tough, long and difficult too
But if you’re like me, you know it’s not optional because it saved my life and got me through