Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Happened Tonight.

I chose darkness tonight
By: Erin

Remember being little and picturing the little people on your shoulders?
One representing good and one representing evil?
That concept never really stops being true, even as we grow older

Tonight I made a choice to gratify the dark sitting on my shoulder
Like so many other times the darkness felt as heavy as a boulder
Weighing heavy in my heart and heavy in my mind
Convincing me that darkness was the way I was defined

Paralyzed by my own emotions, past, fear, shortcomings, and trauma
I laid in bed, silently crying wanting to held by my mamma
Not knowing when this would stop, ease up or break the pain
I felt like I was burning inside and going insane

I had thoughts I did not want
Memories that continued to haunt
Temptations that kept running through my brain fast
By my own self I felt harassed

Sitting alone unsure of what to do
I made the decision to take my pain and cut my skin through
I feel shame, guilt, and embarrassment too
Because light is what I want to pursue

The darkness within me jumped for joy
As though everything had worked, their secret ploy
And I delved deeper into myself as the tears began to fall
Then made the choice to use my voice to tell my roommate it all

Worry walked across her face
Nervous energy and fear filled this place
She loved on me and hugged on me
"Its ok, but let me check it, I need to see"

I hesitantly showed my hips one of which said “No”
I was embarrassed for her to see, and for me to show
But having her know reminded me this is smaller than who I am
I am stronger than the darkness’ great scam

For as a daughter of light I seek after goodness and joy
Laughter, perseverance, and love are things I employ
As tonight proves I will not be perfect as I walk this journey and trail
But until I give up and turn back, there is no way I can fail

Tonight I chose something dark
And on my skin I left a mark
But I am not defined by that moment of pain
Or the terrible thoughts in my brain

Right now I choose light
By getting rid of my shame, my embarrassment and fear
And share with you what happened during this particular fight
For I can never undo what I did tonight
But when there is darkness, light is always near

Becoming Less Like Me!

Less like Me
By: Erin 

Each year since I was young
Ash Wednesday would quickly come
And I would think and think about which food I would deprive myself of
Convincing myself it was to please the big guy above

But not this Lenten Journey

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To sing praise
In many different ways

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To build others up and make them feel their worth
The worth they were given even before their birth

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To speak kind words about myself inside and out
The negative talk is something I could do without

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To foster light instead of the night we so often find
Because that is why we are here, as this season will remind

To do this, I will add a special time of prayer
For these things I did just share
To do this, I will write verses on my hand
To remind me of this journey when life does not go as planned
To do this, I will have people remind me when I forget
Very kindly of course, so there is no threat

I’m excited for this Lenten season
For this very reason:
It’s about becoming more like Christ and less like me
And that is how I want to be