“I feel”
By: Erin
Throughout treatment we constantly say the words “I feel”
I feel angry - I feel sad
I feel hurt - I feel mad
I feel lost - I feel tired
I feel anxious – I feel inspired
The hardest thing though is when you just want to let go
Of all the feelings that we feel so deep inside
And wish they would pour out of our soul if we just cried
But feelings cling to our souls it seems
And maybe our only relief is in our dreams
Don’t fool yourself though “numb” is a feeling like every
It’s worse though because it has the capability to smother
Smother your desire to be you
And do what you do
So feelings I admit, we cannot escape any second or day
But we must also make note they are not all bad any way
I feel joyful – I feel good
I feel loved – I feel understood
I feel strong – I feel kind
I feel able – I feel relaxed and unwind
So while feelings can be difficult, challenging, and sometimes
hard to swallow
It seems like even though there are bad feelings… good ones
tend to follow
So remember that just like how – what goes up must come down
There is an end to every frown
Feelings don’t last forever; they change, shift, alter, and
Remember life is a ride, but you decide what you want to
Leave as much baggage as you can
Grudges really hurt a man
And hold your beautiful memories up high
They will help you soar through the sky
Tonight I feel peaceful, a little sad, excited and nervous, uncomfortable
Tonight that is how I feel – What about you?