By: Erin
I would run to another country right now if I could
Jump ship
Abandon all that I have in hopes of getting something new
Run away, away from you
Run as far and as fast as I possibly could
Forget all of what I should
It’s now about the possibilities or what I could
Run to some far and distant land where no one knows my name
And I can walk freely, head held high, without any shame
Run as far as my feet will go
Run to a place where no one will know
I will escape my past
And if about it I am asked
I will say:
It does not matter where I have been, know me today
I want to run
Far far away
To find freedom even if just for today
I want to be someone who does not have my stuff
I want to be someone else, because I’ve had enough
We all at times would like to run from ourselves I think
Which can lead us to numb out, with behaviors, drugs or sometimes a drink
I want to run so badly right now
But – that is something I will not do, I will not allow
I will stay, stay through the pain, the struggle, the hurt and strife
To be honest I’ve run or numbed most of my life
And it has not worked very well for me in any shape or form
And has always just prolonged the storm
I want to run far away today
But I am choosing to stay
It would help if you would sit with me
As I struggle to be
I never really wanted to run away from you
Just everything I am going through
Can I have a hug and maybe a prayer?
I really appreciate the way that you care