Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I hate when things don't go my way.....

Body Image Meltdown
By: Erin 

My body image has never been good or great
Actually my body is something I’ve always loved to hate
But here in the recovery world and time
We learn that using words like “fat” is basically a crime

But what do you do when you work really hard
And then all the sudden what you learned seems to discard
Your old language resurfaces to tell you what to do
And you’re convinced that overnight you grew grew grew

Well this just happened to me like two days ago
And let me tell you boy does it blow
Not only is my eating disorder screaming horrible lies in my ear
But I’m committed to recovery – that much is clear

So I feel like I was tricked into something I didn’t ask for
But I do know that being sick is not what I want anymore
So I guess I must keep going with the plan we’ve already made
Even getting on the scale backwards in order to get weighed

My body image meltdown sucks a lot and I want it to end
But, I’m sure like with most of recovery there is more I need to mend
So in the meantime I will go the extra mile in making myself smile
Because staying the track will be worthwhile

A topic that needs to be talked about....

By: Erin 

For those who do it or think about it, it is
An escape
Freedom from the hurt
Peace from pain
Unnervingly inviting
Interesting and Curious
The only way

For Loved ones it is
Unbearably heartbreaking
Distressing beyond belief
Filled with anguish

In time and space it is

For everyone it is
Quiet and cold

For me it is
All of the above
A Reminder of why I wake up in the morning
A reminder to keep fighting
A reminder to walk forward on my bad days
A reminder to live in the present
A reminder to appreciate and celebrate my friends
A reminder to do my best….. today

You deserve love.... down to your beautiful soul.

The cycle will break
By: Erin 

A couple of these
A handful of those
A scoop of this
A sliver of that

Some binges started slow
The pace always quickened although

A pile of these
A fistful of those
A bowl of this
A slice of that

Some binges began at lightning speed
As my emotions took over like a stampede

In a last ditch effort to give myself what it cried out for
I ate and ate until my body could fit food no more
In a daze I would feel the physical pain by body was in
But that was nothing compared to the emotional pain that was hidden within

I would then turn to the only friend I could find
The porcelain bowl that was there every time
That object though not alive, brought comfort and relief that was true
For after I purged the food and pain I really did feel brand new

I ignored the pain in my throat and sometimes in my chest
Because I required that I smiled and did my best
But I broke down gradually, not all and abrupt
But it still turned my life upside down and caused great disrupt

But today I am alive, well, and unstuck from the horrid pattern and trap
But it still takes work, and did not happen in a snap
I love that I am not a slave to the need to binge and purge
But sometimes it takes my everything to fight that awful urge

It’s worth it though the long days, nights and even self-fights
Because when you pull away from your eating disorder your life reaches you heights
Remember you always deserve comfort other than a ceramic bowl
Like a hug from someone that loves you down to your beautiful soul

The balance beam of life.....

The Balance
By: Erin 

I learned to balance at a very young age
For you had to balance on your toes to take on the stage
But controlling my stomach, my back, and my feet
Is far easier to balance than life here out on the street

It’s almost as if I have been programmed for extremeness in every way
From the games that I play, to what I desire to weigh all the way to how I bow down and pray
People call this black and white thinking the way that I live
They don’t seem to mind though, when it is to them that I give

I will admit I am all or nothing I all that I do
Which can work great for you
If you are on the side of the “all”
And the part with nothing is left out of sight down the hall

But I can do this no more; for this is bad for my core
Because my basic health is usually the part I ignore
So hear me say it loud and clear
And hold me accountable make me adhere

I am seeking balance of time for work and time for play
I see now that there is not only one way
I’m going to fight my tendency to be extreme and too much
By seeking health, joy, success, love and the such

I feel this battle is going to be a steep one to climb
But it seems like these battles are becoming part of my time
They always prove worth it in the end
And have usually helped me become my own friend

Happy Valentines Day!

Hi. I really like you.
By: Erin 

Hi. I really like you.
You are so cute
You are so smart
You are so fun to talk to

Hi. I really like you
You are so tall and handsome
You love Jesus with all your heart
Your passion inspires me

Hi. I really like you
And I don’t know what to do
This does not usually happen to me
It’s actually becoming hard to think clearly

Okay, so now what?
Do I wait for you to say something?
Do I attempt to flirt or something weird?
Do I leave little hints you probably won’t get?
No. I know what I’ll do.

“Hi So I decided
I’m just going to tell you….
….I really really like you.”

(Now won’t you like me too?)