Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sometimes this feels too hard.

Do I have to?
By: Erin

I don’t want to follow the plan
Right now part of me wishes it never began

I’m tired of it all
I’m angry too
If you had all this stuff
I bet this would be you

Today I walked around glancing at my figure
In every window
In every mirror
In every shadow
I could find
None ever pleasing my mind
And also at this point wishing I was blind

I felt ruled by what I saw
Yet was not allowing myself to follow my eating disorder’s law
So instead I wanted to cry
Or just scream WHY WHY WHY

Why do I have to keep with this fight
With the obsession with my weight and my height
It’s hard and it hurts terribly so
It seems like sometimes this process is terribly slow

But tonight I will choose to continue to trust this process and day
For I know that when it comes to my eating disorder
Recovery is the much better way

It’s just hard and tiring and I need to cry
Scream the word why why why
And get mad – but at my eating disorder I guess
Not my body parts like my stomach or thighs

Definition: JMU Girl

JMU girl
By: Erin

I’m tired of the grand definition
The stereotype people attach
To being a
J-M-U Girl

So let me broaden your perspective
To something far more respective

Of the women I know
And the girls that are under the skin below

Ambitious often
Yet knowing when their voices must soften
Kind-hearted more times than not
But still strong in knowing that they need a lot

People assume things that are half truths or lies
To make themselves feel better or encourage others we are unwise

And we do make bad decisions in our own way
But if you don’t, please stand up – right now and say:
“I’m perfect”

So lose the drama of calling us all words that bring everyone down low
For ultimately college is a place to learn and grow
So stop with the names and accusations
And if you want me to change or anyone at all – then love me or them enough
 to change your expectations