Thursday, March 1, 2012

True Strength

Defining Strength
By: Erin

I used to believe
The strong were the ones who jumped the highest
Lost the most weight
Gained the most approval
Got the highest grades
And still held that perfect smile on their face

I was wrong
So incredibly wrong

I saw true strength the day my best friend told her mom on me
I see true strength each time I witness an honest and true apology
I saw true strength just the other day as my friend cried and said “I am not okay”
It takes true strength to be real, not just know the ‘right’ thing to say

I see true strength when people choose to build others up high
Rather than tear them down to make themselves feel important, cool or fly

Strength is in facing our fears
This sometimes means welcoming the tears
And not checking out with rounds of beers

Running from our fears, challenges, or problems is not strong
And to be honest you won’t be able to go for long

Good for you if
You can jump the highest
Lost the weight you wanted
Gained everyone’s approval
Got the highest grades
And maintained that perfect smile

That’s good for you
But true strength is found in doing things we don’t want to do
But know we have to
Because they make things better and right
For me and for you
Because you see this strength helps to turn on the light
And this gives everyone more power, strength and might to continue their own personal fight.

Empty Inside

By: Erin

Emptiness is one of my biggest fears
But it’s something that has followed me for many years

Dancing, in the end left me empty
Idolizing people leaves me empty
Putting my worth in my grades leaves me empty
Seeking to be the best just leave me even more empty

Empty to Hallow
Hallow to Lonely
Lonely to Sad
Sad to Empty

I have attempted to fill the hole in every way, shape and form
In an attempt to turn my empty coldness into something warm

Only those that knew me best
Saw the emptiness where my heart should be in my chest
They saw it in my eyes
Straight through my smile and happy disguise

Emptiness is painful penetrating my being in every way
I’ve come to learn that all I can do is pray

Christ can fill the hole that sits in my chest
The more I grow to know Him
The more I grow to know who I am in Him
The more I grow to recover from my illness
The more I learn to love myself in stillness

As the painful emptiness fades away
I actually sometimes experience an honest good day
Filled with emotions sometimes good sometimes rough
But as far as being empty – it’s much worse than feeling stuff