These days for me sometimes the "little things" make a BIG difference -- maybe it's a note or smile from a friend, a cool picture, re-reading a card I got when I was younger... ect. Well This is a page filled with little inspirational things/sayings/pictures that help me keep going:) I hope you enjoy!

story of my life....

laughter is the BEST medicine (especially when my roommate snorts!)
A good Hug is the BEST.

story of my life....

laughter is the BEST medicine (especially when my roommate snorts!)


A good Hug is the BEST.

Dancers: This used to be all of us. The world was our stage, everyone and anyone was our audience. We danced not to win, no to be perfect, but because it was inside our hearts. We are dancers because we can't hear music without moving our bodies. We dance down the isles in Walmart and Kroger. We were made that way. Never forget that little girl, she's the reason you dance. |


I really love "You were born an original, don't die a copy!" :) What do you like?