Friday, March 30, 2012

Feeling misunderstood is hard.

Know who you are
By: Erin

I cannot please everyone that I know
Which is hard for me to accept and understand 
There are often so many people saying so many things
But I must know who I am, and I must know where I stand

I love Jesus – and I’m made clean not dirty, not bad
I am not weak, just because I experience depression and being sad

Nothing is perfect – but I believe things can be better than today
And it is our job, to go after them and make them better in every way

I have struggles, hurts, deep fears too
But I cannot be concerned or preoccupied with who I am to you
Because I am who I am
The person God designed me to be

Far from perfect, great or even good
But deserving of respect and being understood
That I am who I am
Trying honestly trying
And even complying

But it must be known I am who I am
The person God created me to be
Praying that I can make things better someway somehow
And put good use to this body and time God has graciously allowed

Know who you are today
People might not get it in any way
But you are who you are
Who you were created to be
Nothing is better than honesty