So Much is Changing
By: Erin
People are Moving
Goals are being Achieved
Passions are being Pursued
So Much is changing
It’s easy to be scared
Cry over past moments shared
Convince yourself you are not prepared
For what is to come
It is easy to revert to what is old
For me those are patterns of what once was controlled
Desperately trying to fit some mold
Or warm my heart from the depressed cold
But I am not old; I am new
So much is changing; it is true I am too
I am scared yes, but exhilarated at this new view
There is so much I have loved, and for that I thank you
It’s incredible to look change in the face, and know you can do it, get through
The possibilities don’t end – there is so much to pursue
People are moving
Goals are being achieved
Passions are being pursued
So Much Is Changing
Look at this view