Monday, February 27, 2012

Something important must be said.

Something to Say:
By: Erin 

Lately I’ve felt belittled, looked down upon, pitied too
Like you see me different than you used to
But maybe it is me that changed the way I saw myself everyday
And now that I know I’m worth much more than my illness or what I weigh
I have something to say:

Your tone that says “you child”
Is simply wild
I’m the one who has grown
As you continue to play victim and moan

I can stand on my own two feet
My legs are strong; have stood trials
And have walked many miles

I am not a charity case or something good to do
I am a girl who loves to laugh, swim, dance and talk with you
I have hardships, troubles, hurts, and trial
But if you think you don’t – you’re in denial

So be my friend
I’ll be yours
But stop acting like you have to save me
I have my support so let it be
And trust this – if I need help I know how to ask
That is one of treatment’s really big tasks

I want you to see the person that I am
Someone who is fun, loud, smart, silly, loving, and kind
I also can be direct, anal, annoying, controlling, and blunt at times
And you know what – it’s Okay if you don’t like me sometimes
But don’t treat me like I’m less than you
Because of my past, my illness, or because I’m different too.