By: Erin
I have experiences from time to time
Where I end up sharing some part of my story
With people who first share with me
Where they have traveled on their own journey
Today a woman shared with me the hurt and fear she felt overcome by
I replied with I have hurts and pains, you’re not alone, God will supply
I shared with her where I had been
For her daughter seems to be in a similar situation I was in
Tears began to roll down her face
And all the sudden I wanted to run from that place
Pain sat in my stomach, my chest, and my heart
I choked back tears…. Refusing to let them start
The pain in that moment came from understanding the extent to with people hurt on this earth
Physical pain, relational struggle, to not understanding our worth
My ability to relate to this woman’s fear, hurt and pain
Led me to pray:
“God help us feel love, and help comfort be attained
We are broken
Terrified too
Just bring us closer to You”
That woman and her story affected me tonight
We all have a story, a journey we’ve walked, a fear in our hearts
Sometimes we’re just trying to hold together our parts
Jesus came to bind, heal, and free
We’re called to follow Him, I love you, and you love me
We often want to run in the face of discomfort and pain
But how is that living out the Gospel even when there is no hope of gain?
We are to weep with those who weep
We are to rejoice with those who rejoice
Because we are not called to walk, journey, hurt, love, celebrate alone
God calls us to live in community, to know and be known