Thursday, February 9, 2012

Finally Alive

I won’t stop
By: Erin 

I have begun something good, no great
It’s hard, painful, and even exhausting
But I won’t stop
Because I finally feel alive

I won’t stop
Not after experiencing the
Feeling of my heart beating within my chest
As my soul laughs with my friend, the best

I won’t stop
Not after realizing the
Comfort that I can feel in deep devotion and prayer
In my times of joy and also in my moments of despair

I won’t stop
Not after witnessing the
Amazing people who are fighting this fight, and waging this war
Because this takes strength and determination down to the core

I won’t stop
Not after finally feeling the
Life pulse through my veins even in the midst of hot fire
Because life has become real and life is what I now desire

It took me so long to get here
Honestly exactly how it happened is unclear
But the journey was worth the wait
Because I have finally truly begun something good, no something great


I won’t stop
Because I am finally alive

Shedding Tears.

By: Erin 

My tears sometimes mean I am angry
They fall after a fight
They fall during a long night

My tears sometimes mean I am sad
They fall when grieving something gone
They fall when I hideaway withdrawn

My tears sometimes mean I miss my own mark
They fall as I fail in my own head
They fall as I feel lost and dead

My tears sometimes mean I am happy beyond words
They fall as I hear kind words and people smile
They fall after laughing with children for a while

Tears fall for many reasons
They fall on many days
They fall in many ways

Tears speak volumes of words I cannot express
And not always because I’m in crisis or distress
Tears are a language in and of their own
Tears help to make my feelings known

It’s easy to wish they would go away
But now that I understand them
I would rather they stay

The Best Place on Earth -- Loch Haven Lake.

The Magic of Summertime
By: Erin 

Loch Haven Lake
It’s a place where boys become “Men of the Woods”
And Spiderman exists
it’s a place where everyone is Michael Phelps
and age does not exist

The Diving Board – our friend and foe
an avenue for creativity
a source of fun and frustration
a thing that must be conquered
and after we face our fears and take the plunge
it is a symbol of strength

Loch Haven Lake
It’s a place where people of all different
Sizes and Shapes
Thoughts and ideas
Professions and Ages
Faiths, ideologies and ethnicities
come together to enjoy the magic of summertime.

Compassion Explained.

By: Erin 
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Erin
And I’m going to share with you something I learned about compassion

I struggle like most people to get through life
I deal with mental illness, trauma, stress and the like
And a while ago I was sure I was done
Even before my life had really begun

I was consumed with frustration at my current situation
Convinced that my life was just a series of temptations

People tried to encourage, support and care
But eventually they would no longer know and blankly stare
Which increased the self-pity and escalated the self-doubt
This usually encouraged me do things in my life that helped me zone out

It is nice to hear that you are loved
It is nice to hear you are cared for too
But isn’t it the best to hear that someone believes in you

To have compassion for others in their time of need
Is a big part of what will help them triumph and succeed
But, there is a way, a method, a time and a place
That could help them the most by giving them both inspiration and grace

Everyone has responsibilities
At times mine were to eat three meals and participate in group
Those things were not easy during those days but that was my place and bowl of soup
People encouraged me, helped me, supported me too
But they were firm and always expected me to do what I was there to do
This sent me the message that I could accomplish my goal
Which helped me to feel a little less broken and a little more whole

Everyone has abilities
When you are caught in a crisis, and feel dangerously low
There is something important others and yourself must know
Just because you’re feeling pretty awful and not great
Does not mean this will forever be your fate
You were born with talents and have developed skills
That will help carry you over life’s mountains and hills

Everyone has the power to choose
When we are suffering we often do not get to pick what happens at all
And this feeling is often what makes a lot of us feel small
But What I am saying to those who support and to those who suffer
Our power to choose makes us a heck of a lot tougher
We can choose treatment, exercise, a good amount of sleep too
These are definitely some of the decisions that helped me and might help you

Now back to compassion you may be confused
But my point is that compassion is not always when compliments and nice words are used
People had compassion for me when they cared enough
To expect me to face the really tough stuff
I move slowly when I am struggling and tired
But I am still moving forward because that is required
It is needed for living
It is need for loving
And learning too
The compassion is there
Even if some people blankly stare
I can tell you one thing I believe in you
To do just what you need to do

A NEW best.

My Personal Best
By: Erin 

My personal best used to look like this:
Push myself to every limit
To be perfect to the extreme
Tune out my family and friends
And to achieve the best and more
Overall I would disregard me, myself and I
To be everything I thought I should be
Without even wondering “why”

My personal best has changed or is changing today
For better or worse I’m still not sure
But this is how it looks today
And while it may not be fun, it is okay

My best involves doing something for me each day
It can be simple, fun, or chill that is up to me
Exercise is something that is good for me when I do it healthily
Sometimes I stretch, walk, swim or dance, all of which are done for me
Diet is a hard one for those who struggle with food, but very important to keep a balanced mood
I plan at the beginning of each week and strive to eat meals three times each day
Drugs or prescriptions keep me going through my sometimes long and hard days
Taking them is a necessity in each and every way
Sleep is something I cannot and will not go without
It refreshes my mind and gives me the motivation I need to move about
Spiritually or Jesus time is the last one on my list
And this is most important to me because without Him I would not exist

Sometimes this is a discouraging list to read
Sometimes others wonder what has happened to the girl I used to be
So driven and determined to complete her tasks each day
Such a leader and so organized to get things done right away
I guess it does not matter though because you see
Without changing my personal best
There is a good chance I would not be here to be me

Time will come when I will get stronger and more able to do more
But I will never again be that girl who sacrificed herself
Nope, I will not, not anymore


Separation anxiety
By: Erin 

As I walk further from my illness
I feel distant from the self I used to know
I lack understanding of what will come
I struggle to reach for and feel security

ED and I were once two peas in a pod
He came where I went
I went where he told me to go
At the time, it would have seemed like he was my god.

Bipolar Disorder and I got along from time to time
On highs I would be intense and productive
Bipolar made me a leader, smart, dedicated too
Unfortunately all of that would quickly change on the flip of a dime

On days like today
When I feel tired of working on recovery
When I feel frustrated that in some ways this will never really end
When I feel tempted to return to the other part of my ‘pod’
When I long for the intensity and productivity and impulsivity too
I must remember that separation from illness will lead me
To the long sought after self-discovery
  To a place where I can actually become my own friend
To a time where I won’t need my façade
To a week where the days are not as hard to get through
And finally
To a person that is not bound by an ‘ED’ or Bipolar, no but to a person that is free to be me
and you to be whoever you want yourself to be too

Brick Walls.

By: Erin 

I used to really hate that word ‘boundaries’
I drew mental images of brick walls one hundred feet tall
I envisioned shutting people out, turning people away from the gates of my heart
I pictured putting myself on a pedestal and pushing everyone down below my feet
Saying “I’m the most important, Bow down to me!”

That was when my understanding of the word was not quite right
That was when my imagination combined with my infatuation
To be the best at everything I wanted or they wanted me to be
Took precedent of everything people who cared were telling me
In the end it steered me from being anything I had been called to be

Since then, I’ve learned a lot
Through journal, talk, and thought
This is my conclusion about that one hundred foot wall in my mind standing tall

They are Measures of protection
To guard your health, your happiness, your heart
Things you do or don’t do regardless of who you are with
The choice to share and disclose, as well as the choice not to
For you know that your life is yours to share when you want to

Knowledge of what is healthy for you
Knowledge of what you need and what you don’t
Knowledge of where people should not come or cross
For your space and your life is full of lines that you might not be ready for people to run across

And finally it’s important to know
When our boundaries are broken, disregarded or violated
It is our right, our duty to ourselves
To kindly but firmly show those that have crossed them where they must go
To do this we must often open our mouths and say:
“I’m sorry you must leave you cannot stay”

Wait.... Who am I?

Today, My Name is…..
By: Erin 

Today, my name is Daughter
I clean and play and try not to stray
My favorite thing is being who you want me to be

Today, my name is Dancer
I twirl and jump and prance and dance
My favorite thing is being who you want me to be

Today, my name is Student
I study and read and write and recite
My favorite thing is being who you want me to be

Today, my name is Eating Disorder
I Binge and Purge and Restrict and Starve
My favorite thing is being who you want me to be

Today, my name is Bible Study Leader
I pray, and study scripture, and worship and praise
My favorite thing is being who you want me to be

Today, my name is Bipolar
I hate and cry and go way up high
My favorite thing is being who you want me to be

Today, my name is Erin
I love and write and play and pray
My favorite thing is working to figure out who I want to be
It’s time you get used to this person I’ve become
Because my name is Erin
And she is here to stay

It is OK to be scared... it is not OK to stop trying

By: Erin 

Being scared, shocked, petrified is not fun
For most, it happens on occasion
When something horrible happens
When someone jumps out from the shadows
When a dark realization sinks in

For some though being terrified is common
Running from what some consider to be commonplace
Bad memories, triggers, associations
To some it’s easy to assume we are fragile, strange, weird or weak
But how would you like your dark realization to sink in.....
….. Multiple times a day

So I’m just going to say it.
I might look fragile, strange, weird or weak sometimes
Maybe even often
But in those moments I am facing my dark realization
Not looking back

And yes, I am terrified.
Most of the time

To compensate
I cling to those who comfort me
I take a lot of baths
I allow myself to be fragile, strange, weird and weak
I tell myself it’s going to be OK even when it feels like it’s not
And I remind myself that by allowing myself to be:
And weak
I am actually becoming strong

Hope Misunderstood

Hope Misunderstood
By: Erin 

Hope is a four letter word used in our language constantly
“I hope you have a great day”
“We hope the weather holds out”
“I hope you brought your textbooks to class”

But hope is so much more than a simple request or temporary desire
Hope is more than an expectation

Hope is to which we cling when our life seems to be holding on by a string
Hope is a promise of a better tomorrow after fighting like Hell today

Hope is not for a campaign to shell out to the masses
It is for the parent to feed their discouraged child
Hope is not for impersonal recitation of one person’s interpretation of God’s word
It is for the shepherds as they guide and nurture the congregation

Hope is personal
It is true
It is real

Hope is shared from one person to the next
It is a light that gets brighter with patience and practice

Hope is not easy
It is actually very hard
And hardest for those who need it the most

Hope is a gift
Given by those who’ve received it themselves
Hope is not exclusive
it is a gift for any and all
For hope makes it possible for each of us to stand tall
Even when we feel very small

Take today.... now.

Bad Day Prayer
By: Erin 

God sometimes my burden seems too big to bear
God sometimes my life seems too long to continue to live
God sometimes my pain seems too persuasive to persist
Those are my bad days

Those are the days when I need your Son the most
I need your Son to share my burden, my life, and my pain
I need your Son to remind me that it’s not about me
It’s not about my burden
It’s not about my life
It’s not about my pain

For on my bad days when I focus on You
I see the bigger picture
I see the goal to expand your kingdom and make this world new

But even with that sight I cannot ignore the pain
Pretending gets me nowhere
Except caught in more chains

So God my prayer for today and for all my bad days to come
Help me to focus on your one and only son
Perfect is something I will never become
But mold me, shape me, turn me and make me so that your work may be done

And finally God it is my truest hope
 on the days when I don’t feel it
on the days when I don’t see it
on the days when I don’t understand it
I can read these simple words
Turn my face to You
And say to myself
“God I give today to You”

I think we all feel this way from time to time....

So Tired of Being Me
By: Erin 

Today I am tired of being me
I’m tired of my moods, my thoughts, and worries
I’m tired of my appearance, my voice, and challenges
I’m tired of remembering, trying, and trudging
I am just plain tired of being me

It is exhausting
It is scary
It is frustrating too
That is why today I feel too tired to push through

So I guess on these days when I am just too tired
I pray for a miracle to please just get me through
It need not be big, grand, or great
It need not be loud, obvious, or striking
Sometimes it’s the simple miracle that helps people renew
A simple smile or hug or note full of love
Can take us from tired to reasonably inspired

Inspired to manage, change and deal
Inspired to accept, love and heal
Inspired to remember, try and keep trudging on

Though still exhausting
Though still scary
Though still frustrating too
When feeling inspired it is much easier to push through
(Even when we are still a little tired too) 

At War.

By: Erin 

Again I left my food on the shelf
Because I don’t feel like fighting today
I don’t feel like hating my insides in every way
I’m tired of fighting myself

But as my white flag went up
I felt failure -- not relief from the pain
Everyone is hoping I keep fighting my brain
But you will see my exhaustion if you look close-up

Wars kill people, destroy families, are financially destructive which is not a game
My war is just the same
My friends have died, taken their lives to escape or lost them in fight
They left this darkness and headed home to the light
My family is burdened by stress, extra issues, and strained family ties
Partly because war requires recovery which leads to financial demise

So with every war, battle or fight
Someone is wrong and someone is right
But what do you do when your brain tells you both and
Conflicted and confused would be understated to grand

But when I think about this it helps me to see
Which side will truly help set other captives free
 If darkness wins our world will continue to fill itself with false beauty
And protecting the vulnerable is a soldier’s main duty
Children deserve to grow up with parents that love not hate
And worry about grades and happiness more than appearance and weight

Wars are terrible things, hard fought, with tragic loss and pain
But it is a good fight for we are taking darkness and spreading light
It’s frustrating because we’re going to lose a battle or more
But in the end Jesus remember has already won this War

Own your journey.

 Owning It
By: Erin 

My recovery is real.
It is as real as
Those who have fought this battle before me,
Are fighting it with me,
And will fight it after me.

My path will be one forged by me,
To motivate,
To inspire,
And to encourage
Real change
For people like me,
For people different from me.

I can change and I will change,
Not because I have hidden strength,
Not because I am somehow different from the rest.
But because I have witnessed the power of perseverance,
Because I have experienced the kindness and love of others,
                                     And most importantly because I have faith in Jesus Christ

By: Erin 

When we’re together
Anything is possible
We can be princesses and superheroes
We can fly to the moon and swim with the dolphins
We can be mothers to twins, and run our own bakery
I love when we’re together

When we’re together
We do things our own way
Sometimes we make up our own
 words to songs
Sometimes we make up our own
rules to games
Sometimes we even make up our own
 ways to talk
I love when we’re together

When we’re together
We talk about everything
We chat about reality, school, friends, and family
We chat about far away worlds such as star wars and Narni
We chat about God and Jesus and the angles up in Heaven
I love when we’re together

I’ve known you your whole life.
And loved you every second of it
The smiles, giggles, tears, and troubles
You are special to me.