By: Erin
I learned to
gamble as a small child
Granddad was
famous for his card game
quarters and dimes
We played a
million times
Not only
loving the intense competition
We also
worked on and improving our addition
Granddad was
a very special guy
And there
are more than just a few reasons why
He gave us
unconditional love
…. And lots
of ice cream
Hugs and
Smiles too
loved to talk to you
He came to
dance recitals
And sporting
and the like
He’d do it
all – except maybe take a hike
He would go
with us all to the beach
And he was
never one to preach
But he was
always encouraging us to do what was right
He was never
one to pick a fight
He helped
out all our families when it came to money
He laughed
at our jokes even when they were not funny
He would
take us to baseball games on the weekends
He was a
wonderful friend
Granddad I
miss you now that you’re no longer here
But know
that I remember what you said and can almost hear:
“I love you
as high as the sky, and as deep as the ocean.”
That is more
love than I think any person has ever felt for me
And I wish
you were here for me to tell you:
“Granddad I
think I’m finally breaking free.”

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