Not so Simple
By: Erin
I have danced on a
stage with thousands watching
…..many many times
I have given
speeches in my high school
I have talked in
front of a campus ministry
I have told a very
cute boy I liked him…. A lot
So… Why is it so
hard to turn to those that love me?
….and simply say:
“Mom and Dad – I am not Okay.”
Maybe it’s because
they care too much
I hate hearing
their heart break over the phone
Maybe it’s because
they won’t care enough
I hate hearing the
distance they sometimes portray
Maybe it’s because
they will blame themselves
I hate when they
take my problems on as their own
Maybe it’s because
they will give up on me
I don’t think I
could handle another person doing that… again
Maybe it’s because
they will be angry
I hate when they
scream, cry and yell
Maybe it’s because
of the money I have already cost them
I hate when I hurt
their lifestyle and the comfort of our home
Maybe just maybe it
is because I’m scared and I don’t how what I need
Maybe it is because
I’m hurting and I’m ashamed I can’t fix it myself
Maybe it is because
I’m angry that these words must be said
It is hard not
knowing how they will react…
It is hard not
knowing what they will say…
It is hard not
knowing what they will do…
But when we’re not
We don’t mess with
the maybes
There is not a lot
of time to delay
So what might seem
simple at first glance
Is really not so
simple at all
But no matter how
difficult or complicated it may be
You are worth all
the ‘maybes’ because
You deserve a
fighting chance

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