By: Erin
Emptiness is one of my biggest fears
But it’s something that has followed me for many years
Dancing, in the end left me empty
Idolizing people leaves me empty
Putting my worth in my grades leaves me empty
Seeking to be the best just leave me even more empty
Empty to Hallow
Hallow to Lonely
Lonely to Sad
Sad to Empty
I have attempted to fill the hole in every way, shape and
In an attempt to turn my empty coldness into something warm
Only those that knew me best
Saw the emptiness where my heart should be in my chest
They saw it in my eyes
Straight through my smile and happy disguise
Emptiness is painful penetrating my being in every way
I’ve come to learn that all I can do is pray
Christ can fill the hole that sits in my chest
The more I grow to know Him
The more I grow to know who I am in Him
The more I grow to recover from my illness
The more I learn to love myself in stillness
As the painful emptiness fades away
I actually sometimes experience an honest good day
Filled with emotions sometimes good sometimes rough
But as far as being empty – it’s much worse than feeling

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