By: Erin
Dedicated: To my mom: I love you so much.
Worry sits in places of my body
Like in my chest
Like in my stomach
Like in my shoulders
And some of the rest
Worry eats at my heart and my soul
Pushing and fighting my mind for control
“Don’t enjoy the moment you’re in.”
“Obsess over the ones that have yet to begin.”
Worry creeps into my being unwanted uninvited
Ruining my joy with the question: “What if?”
Feeling as though you are living on the edge of a
Preventing trust, hope, love and peace
Worry does nothing but make discomfort increase
So how do we combat this difficult and hard feeling?
This is something I need to face – as part of my healing
The truth is I don’t know
Right now I’m wracked with worry to the extreme
And it seems never ending – like a rushing stream
But if God is sovereign over everything like we’ve been
I guess the only thing I can think of is to pray and give
him a shot
A shot to work in my heart
For the wisdom he does impart
A shot to allow me to grow
It is true I may be a little hesitant though
A shot to do work in me
So that others may see
There is no need to worry after all
Christ died for it all

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