It takes a Village
By: Erin
Thank you for believing in me
Talking it through
Handling me yelling at you
Thank you for encouraging me
Telling me the sometimes hard to hear truth from which I run
And when I am under clouds, showing me the sun
Thank you for never giving up on me
Knowing that there is something within me worth fighting for
And never allowing me to give up, but always expecting more
Thank you for not walking away when it’s hard to be with me
Seeing the beauty in me when all I see is ugliness and stains
You’re love helps me to break free from my chains
This fight is not one I can do alone
This fight is not one that can go unknown
My recovery – trial – journey too,
Has proven that it takes not one, not two
It takes:
A village of friends
An army of aggressive treatment providers
A community of believers
A college of understanding
A team to cheer you on
A family to hold and support
A house filled with love to call a home
Thank you
All of you who walk with me and I with you
Life is so hard to go it alone
We were created to know and be known
You know my struggle, my illnesses, my strife
And yet you love me, dance with me, laugh with me and
Live life
I could never be more thankful for the people that I know
The people that have seen me grow
The people that have shared life with me
The people who have allowed me to just be
You are what make my days special, fun, and sometimes okay too
So today, I say Thank you & I love you.
Dedicated to:
Friends, Family, All the little kids I babysit, Housemates, RR Sisters, Treatment Providers, Classmates – and everyone else I get to spend my days with you all mean the world to me.

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