By: Erin
We all want things we don’t have
Well, I want patience
Maybe I was born with this deficiency
Maybe I developed it somewhere along the way
But typically I want things “right now – here in this moment – as good as yesterday”
Recovery is teaching me this virtue and trait
Often times saying to me:
“Erin, it’ will come, you’ll get there, you just have to wait.”
Now to give you a picture as to what this feels like in my heart
In that moment I fill with fear, as though I will break a part
“What if it never comes today, or any day at all?”
“What if while I’m waiting I just continue to fall?”
I struggle with patience in all areas of life you see
But recovery is the most difficult because of everything that is at stake, including me
I think it comes from fear
Lack of trust too
If I can get it now
It won’t be able to escape somehow
But recovery, like so many other things is a process
That comes slowly but surely too
So sometimes, as much as it sucks we just have to grit our teeth and walk through
Walk through the anxiety of not knowing
Walk through the pain of waiting to be better
Walk through the burning to desire to get this done
And realize that…
Even if this journey has just begun
It is worth it
Even if you’ve been walking for years
It is worth it
Even if you keep tripping and falling
It is worth it
Patience is hard, scary, frustrating and anxiety ridden as well
But we must try to develop that simple yet profound trait in order to continue on and excel

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