To be Exceptional
By: Erin
I don’t know when I became afraid of being labeled “mediocre”
But as the days went by I gradually raised my bar
Always convinced that I needed to push myself to every limit to go far
I first strived to meet other people’s expectations
Then push myself to be better out of fear of my very own limitations
All to be Exceptional
What ever that is or was anyway
It never stopped
No accomplishment was good enough
And then I dropped
My life had become one catastrophe after the next
And no one realized just how complex
The insides of my body, mind and spirit had become by my own intense drive
To be exceptional in the way that I push to strive and thrive
For my brain would say
If you don’t do it one hundred and ten percent – why do it anyway
But in all that time, I had missed the point of who I am living for
Which hurt my soul, my heart, my brain and more
To be Exceptional
Is to know how to take care of you the best way you can today
So that you are healthy to be there for others in that same way
It means knowing your limitations, your strengths and your weakness too
That way I can help people, and ask for help when I need it too
To be Exceptional
Is to be true to your heart
To love people from the very start
To be kind to yourself and others without regard
And to step back, take a break, and rest (even when it is hard)
To be Exceptional
Needed to be re-defined inside of me to move forward with healing
And now looking back, my previous definition is so terribly unappealing
To be Exceptional

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