Less like Me
By: Erin
Each year since I was young
Ash Wednesday would quickly come
And I would think and think about which food I would deprive
myself of
Convincing myself it was to please the big guy above
But not this Lenten Journey
I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To sing praise
In many different ways
I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To build others up and make them feel their worth
The worth they were given even before their birth
I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To speak kind words about myself inside and out
The negative talk is something I could do without
I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To foster light instead of the night we so often find
Because that is why we are here, as this season will remind
To do this, I will add a special time of prayer
For these things I did just share
To do this, I will write verses on my hand
To remind me of this journey when life does not go as
To do this, I will have people remind me when I forget
Very kindly of course, so there is no threat
I’m excited for this Lenten season
For this very reason:
It’s about becoming more like Christ and less like me
And that is how I want to be

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