I love you,
but I can’t save you
By: Erin
You are my
friend, my family
I love you
more than you will ever know
We have been
through both times that were high and times that were low
But there is
something that must me said
It’s been something
I’ve known but ignored up in my head
You make me
smile when I remember our times
But you also
make me cry when you hurt yourself or others sometimes
You make me
laugh out loud when you tell your jokes
But you also
use your words to hurt, manipulate, lie and coax
I love when
the two of us are joined at the arm
But it
causes me so much distress when you inflict severe self-harm
I love when
we stay up all night making promises and wishing on stars
But it kills
me to then look down and see all of your scars
You are my
friend, my family
I love you
more than you will ever know
We have been
through both times that were high and times that were low
But there is
something that must be said
It’s been
something I’ve known but ignored up in my head
I cannot
continue to keep your secrets buried deep
For those
secrets don’t allow me to sleep
I will no
longer engage in our destructive days or nights
This may
cause arguments and even fights
But this is
not healthy for me or for you
That is the
only thing I know to be true
It is my
hope that by me pulling away and getting support
That you
might also want something of that sort
But I need
you to know that while I love you through and through
There is no
way I can save you
Not like the
two of us used to believe we would do

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