Cling to who
By: Erin
I often
cling to people
In hopes
that they can pull me out of my misery
I often
cling to people
In an effort
to experience they joy they portray
I often
cling to people
In fear that
if I don’t hold on tight they will walk away
I often
cling to people
In a desire
to learn to be like them, and less like me
I wonder why
I so often cling to people
When Christ
is only real one who can do these things for me
Christ calls
us to cling to him so he can pull us out of our misery
Christ calls
us to cling to him so he can give us true joy
Christ calls
us to cling to him and promises he will never walk away
Christ calls
us to cling to him, deny ourselves and become more like him each and every day
Yet my
stubborn nature continues to want to cling to people
But as with
most things half the battle is becoming aware
And now this
can be my prayer
Dear God,
Protect me
from wanting to cling to and please everyone around me
Inspire a
desire to seek after you: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… The Three
Help me to
love people but not more that you
And when I
mess up, and we both know I will, be a reminder that I’m already made new
Show me the
path you that have already laid down for me
But God,
above all else keep reminding me that because of your Son I am already free.
In Jesus’

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