Girl Talk
By: Erin
Last night was the best
Lori and I hung out, talked, laughed and the rest
There is something so warming and healing too
About heart-to-heart talks down to the soul
Where the other person knows and loves you
It really does a lot to make a girl feel whole
We chatted about Jesus, the future, and fun times
Our hopes, our fears, our dreams and our days
We laughed about being kids and committing funny “crimes”
It’s strange to look back and realize we’ve changed in so
many ways
Girl talk is always welcome, always needed and always fun
For it reminds us we are not alone in this mixed up day and
But together, in the rain, in the snow, in the wind and
under the sun
We're together dancing through life
Because let’s face it the whole world is a stage
Gotta love some girl talk at the end of a fun break
Even if we didn’t sleep and decided to stay awake
Sharing, Listening, Loving and Caring
Gotta love some girl talk

LOVE THIS!!!! :) I loved our girl talk also ;)