A Better Day
By: Erin
There is nothing quite like a better day after a string of rough ones
Relief after it feels like the world is weighing down on you tons
There is nothing like a better day
A day like today
Nothing spectacular happened in any way
But again I felt like Erin today
I went to class and did just fine
And then I kept going without decline
Today was a better day
I was able to do my thing today
Seven days of feeling rough to the core
Can make you want to cry, scream, fight, isolate, and hide and more
Fearful this darkness would never fade to the distance
I felt tired of my very existence
But today was a better day
In a very ‘regular’ way
Which is the best kind of day I could ever have at all
Because those days remind me – there are more to come – even after a painful fall
Today was a better day
After seven days that hurt in almost every way
But just as there is sun at the end of every storm
At the end of a string of cold bad days, there is something better, something warm
Today was a better day

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