To Survive or to Overcome
By: Erin
I do not want to be a “survivor”
I want to be an “over-comer”
It is not enough for me to simply make it through my day
God did not make me that way
It is not enough for me to simply crawl to the finish line
I am a runner by design
Let me tell you:
I will survive
I will survive the trauma I’ve experienced before
And that of which might come some more
I will survive
The difficulties of my mental illnesses each day
I don’t care what they bring my way
I will survive
The daily ups and downs we all trek through
Feeling bad then feeling new
But beyond surviving I will overcome
I will be everything I am called to be
Everything God has built me to be
I will overcome
My past and the shame I hold in my heart
And I will run, take off to the finish – from the start
I will overcome
The odds and ways I’ve been told my mental illnesses will hold me behind
Because these diseases are not how I am defined
I will survive
Yes but more importantly
I will overcome

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