By: Erin
It is some
days my saving grace
It is at
times a distressing place
It is on
occasion a kind reminder
It is
sometimes a fault finder
It is
sometimes my friend, my support
It is some
days not such a kind sort
The people I
have met along the way
definitely helped me to stay
They have
held my hand, and let me cry
They know
that it’s tough, and help me comply
Service, Varner house, RMH, and Remuda too
All I have
sought treatment, and you have seen me through
I know
treatment will never really come to an end
Not for
those, whose life shows this struggle and trend
But as I
grow, change, and learn what I need, my treatment will definitely change and bend
So while I’ve
settled in, prepared for the ride
I’ll do my
best to take it in stride
Constantly getting
better at taking care of me, on the inside
And when
it’s hard, long and tiring
remember those people mentioned above because they are inspiring
Treatment is tough, long and difficult too
But if you’re like me, you know it’s not optional because
it saved my life and got me through

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