By: Erin
I was told
That I am
That I am
That I am
That I am a
That I am a sister
a Friend
That I am a
That I am a
That I am a
That I am a
That I am
That I am
That I am
That I am
And like so
many others
I believed
what I was told
I no longer
believe those things
But I see
truth in how
I know myself to be
I am (and
always will be)
A Child of
God defined in Him alone
That does
not mean the following are false…
I have been
diagnosed with two mental illnesses
I work to
triumph my impulsivity
I study,
learn, and engage
I try to love
those around me to best of my ability
I allow
others to help me when I cannot help myself
I express my
thoughts on paper to think and explain
I work hard
to help others and complete tasks needed to get a job done
I love,
respect and honor the two people that gave me life
I use the brain
God gave me to engage those around me
I have
endured much, and will endure more
I often also
use my voice (and use it well)
I see
opportunity and go for it
But it is
important to note
I am not
defined by my past present or future
I am not
labeled based on diagnoses, roles I fill, jobs I do, or personality
characteristics I posses
I am defined
God who
became Man
Who died on
the cross
To set us
all free
He alone
tells me who I am
of whom I want to be
Or how you want to see me
Christ came and
now we are all set free

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