USA too
By: Erin
Ok, so we
all know I have bipolar type two
But I know
someone else who does too…
talking about you
sprees are a classic symptom when someone is manic
It is not
until after the fact that you really begin to panic
Angry spells
sometimes impulsive and fast or long and drawn out
Look at our
wars both internal and abroad this one is hard to doubt
Back an
fourth; up and down this is how we play politics all the time
The party,
the mood, the politician’s position can flip on a dime
depression is a hallmark symptom of this disease
And the USA
has always found this with ease
But don’t
worry we’ve usually rebounded to a high
Where people
drink, spend, dance, sing, work and buy buy buy
This is
distressing for me and others that understand what this has to say
While I can
take medicine I don’t think that is for the USA
So maybe
it’s time we teach them some skills
emotional regulation with all of its frills
This might
prevent wars
spending sprees
Angry spells
changes please
It will help
with the depression with is hard for each of us
Then there
would be less reason to fuss
And for the
high periods we go through
We must work
together to remember our illness is true

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