By: Erin
I wear a front all day long
It says to the people around me “I am strong.”
What would you do if I told you
I’m scared all the way through
Heart pounding
Palms sweating
Heavy breathing
Stomach churning
I am scared.
I am scared I will not live up
I am scared you will not like me close up
I am scared I will lose you in my life
I am scared right around the corner is strife
I am scared my demons will return
I am scared my life will upturn
I am scared.
I guess for me it all adds up to everything I do not understand
Or the things that go against what I have planned
But when I remember the best times I’ve been through
They were the things that happened without having a clue
So maybe I can be less scared of that might happen to me
And trust the Lord that love is key
I don’t know what will happen tomorrow or the next day
But it just might take my breath away
I may be scared sometimes or anxious too
But I’m going to change my fear into excitement by altering
my point-of-view
Those bad things above might happen one day
But tough things have happened, and will happen again – but I
know I will be okay.

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