The Climb
By: Erin
I meet people who have walked where I have walked
I meet people who have experienced similar things as me
I meet people with common issues, struggles and strife
I hear their stories and I get scared
I know how hard this journey is
I know how tough the days can be
I know how unfair it can seem
But I will not hear the disappointments of others,
frustrations, and trials
And assume that will be me
Because while I cannot control everything
Because while I cannot predict today or tomorrow
Because while I have these struggles and concerns
I cannot convince myself that my fate will be blue
I will face my own problems to come
They will be more difficult, different and discouraging than
But half the battle is the attitude in which we face our
Whether we stay put – or walk one hundred more miles
I admit I am scared these illnesses will make me incapable
to do my life well
But allowing myself to stay in that fear is my own personal
I must keep moving forward one step at a time
Because this is a mountain that I and others must climb
And if we don’t believe in ourselves, by thinking “Yes, I
think I can”
We will have failed before we began
I have so much faith in my friends, other travelers on this mountain
When you’re tired – stop on a rock, enjoy the view and take
a rest
And think to yourself “look how far I have come – I am so

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