Friday, April 27, 2012
Today Marks 6 months of Recovery....
I have so much to be thankful for. Today I'm just relishing that I am six months further on this journey of hope & recovery than I thought I ever would be not too long ago. I'm so grateful for everything.... especially you!

Sunday, April 22, 2012
The world on your shoulders....
So Much
By: Erin
Do you ever feel the world on your shoulders by day and by night?
Do you have days when you ask: “Will it really actually for honest truth be alright?”
“People need me.”
“I have things to do, places to be.”
Close your eyes
Or look to the skies
Breathe in deeply now
Know this:
The world will continue on somehow
It may feel the world is on your shoulders – but it’s not
That is just something dark in our brains causing pain and distraught
The world will continue regardless of this decision or that
Life is a journey – not something we “arrive at”
When you ask yourself “Will it really actually for honest truth be alright?”
Say out loud: “I stand for not darkness, but light.”
When we fight for light we get joy, love, and hope in great measure
And those things are our greatest treasure
You are needed that is true
But you are needed to be your beautiful you
So that you can do what God has inspired you to do
And go to the place you are supposed to be too
Don’t be burdened by this world, this life, this treasure you’ve been given
Take what inspires you – and become driven
Remembering in your heart that you have been forgiven
Freed already from that burden on your shoulders by day and by night

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ours to Decide
Chain Reaction
By: Erin
He said; She said
Don’t do this – do that instead
Okay why not?
Apparently I’m better at it than I thought
It feels good to be praised and built up
Until someone looks close up
Nope this is not for you
You feel sad, but underneath you already knew
There was something else for you
Someone says try this out today
Wow you’re great! You’ll go all the way
You rejoice with the nice words being said
But those words are not enough to get you daily out of bed
So you say no thanks it’s not for me I’m afraid
People stare in your eyes displeased; dismayed
What is important in my heart?
That is where I should start.
What are the convictions God has planted in me
If I could do anything – what would that be?
Who do I love down to their core?
How can I bring more love, more love and more?
What ignites my soul from stillness to action?
For passion produces a chain reaction
A desire to move
A desire to change
A desire to improve
The world in which we currently reside
What we do in that time though is ours to decide

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
It takes a village.
It takes a Village
By: Erin
Thank you for believing in me
Talking it through
Handling me yelling at you
Thank you for encouraging me
Telling me the sometimes hard to hear truth from which I run
And when I am under clouds, showing me the sun
Thank you for never giving up on me
Knowing that there is something within me worth fighting for
And never allowing me to give up, but always expecting more
Thank you for not walking away when it’s hard to be with me
Seeing the beauty in me when all I see is ugliness and stains
You’re love helps me to break free from my chains
This fight is not one I can do alone
This fight is not one that can go unknown
My recovery – trial – journey too,
Has proven that it takes not one, not two
It takes:
A village of friends
An army of aggressive treatment providers
A community of believers
A college of understanding
A team to cheer you on
A family to hold and support
A house filled with love to call a home
Thank you
All of you who walk with me and I with you
Life is so hard to go it alone
We were created to know and be known
You know my struggle, my illnesses, my strife
And yet you love me, dance with me, laugh with me and
Live life
I could never be more thankful for the people that I know
The people that have seen me grow
The people that have shared life with me
The people who have allowed me to just be
You are what make my days special, fun, and sometimes okay too
So today, I say Thank you & I love you.
Dedicated to:
Friends, Family, All the little kids I babysit, Housemates, RR Sisters, Treatment Providers, Classmates – and everyone else I get to spend my days with you all mean the world to me.

Monday, April 16, 2012
Mine by design
My Recovery
By: Erin
You have no clue where I have been
You have no clue, the scars on and beneath my skin
The trauma I’ve experienced by day
All the ways my illnesses have led me astray
So Stop
Hold your tongue tight
Before you judge me, compare yourself to me, or criticize me tonight
You climb my many mountains each all the way to the top
Remember – you don’t get a break, or get to stop
Then jump into the one thing you’ve been afraid of down to the bone:
Life, the future, the uncertain, the unknown
My Recovery
It is mine
Unique by design
Twists and turns
Breaks and burns
It is mine
Not yours to discuss and define
My Recovery
Hold your tongue tight
Be my friend tonight
Climb to your top your own mountain tops and view
I’ll do me; you do you
But let’s cheer each other on the whole hard way through
My Recovery
It is mine
I’ll do me; You do you

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Learning to Live
Learning to Live
By: Erin
When you get used to being paralyzed by one thing or another
You forget:
To live
To love
To laugh
Learning to live is a strange sensation
Building a proper foundation
Resisting temptation
Believing and affirmation
Sitting with agitation
Lots of confrontation
Hours of conversation
External and internal inspiration
A degree of maturation
Sometimes realization and revelation
Resulting in
Beautiful transformation
Which leads you to remember:
To Live
To Love
To Laugh
And you are no longer paralyzed by that one thing or theother over there
You are free
To move, to go here, to live there, to run to the mountains,jump in the ocean – or simply sit anywhere
Learning to live is a strange sensation
Resulting in
Beautiful transformation

A Better Day
A Better Day
By: Erin
There is nothing quite like a better day after a string of rough ones
Relief after it feels like the world is weighing down on you tons
There is nothing like a better day
A day like today
Nothing spectacular happened in any way
But again I felt like Erin today
I went to class and did just fine
And then I kept going without decline
Today was a better day
I was able to do my thing today
Seven days of feeling rough to the core
Can make you want to cry, scream, fight, isolate, and hide and more
Fearful this darkness would never fade to the distance
I felt tired of my very existence
But today was a better day
In a very ‘regular’ way
Which is the best kind of day I could ever have at all
Because those days remind me – there are more to come – even after a painful fall
Today was a better day
After seven days that hurt in almost every way
But just as there is sun at the end of every storm
At the end of a string of cold bad days, there is something better, something warm
Today was a better day

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
To Overcome
To Survive or to Overcome
By: Erin
I do not want to be a “survivor”
I want to be an “over-comer”
It is not enough for me to simply make it through my day
God did not make me that way
It is not enough for me to simply crawl to the finish line
I am a runner by design
Let me tell you:
I will survive
I will survive the trauma I’ve experienced before
And that of which might come some more
I will survive
The difficulties of my mental illnesses each day
I don’t care what they bring my way
I will survive
The daily ups and downs we all trek through
Feeling bad then feeling new
But beyond surviving I will overcome
I will be everything I am called to be
Everything God has built me to be
I will overcome
My past and the shame I hold in my heart
And I will run, take off to the finish – from the start
I will overcome
The odds and ways I’ve been told my mental illnesses will hold me behind
Because these diseases are not how I am defined
I will survive
Yes but more importantly
I will overcome

Monday, April 9, 2012
Run Away
By: Erin
I would run to another country right now if I could
Jump ship
Abandon all that I have in hopes of getting something new
Run away, away from you
Run as far and as fast as I possibly could
Forget all of what I should
It’s now about the possibilities or what I could
Run to some far and distant land where no one knows my name
And I can walk freely, head held high, without any shame
Run as far as my feet will go
Run to a place where no one will know
I will escape my past
And if about it I am asked
I will say:
It does not matter where I have been, know me today
I want to run
Far far away
To find freedom even if just for today
I want to be someone who does not have my stuff
I want to be someone else, because I’ve had enough
We all at times would like to run from ourselves I think
Which can lead us to numb out, with behaviors, drugs or sometimes a drink
I want to run so badly right now
But – that is something I will not do, I will not allow
I will stay, stay through the pain, the struggle, the hurt and strife
To be honest I’ve run or numbed most of my life
And it has not worked very well for me in any shape or form
And has always just prolonged the storm
I want to run far away today
But I am choosing to stay
It would help if you would sit with me
As I struggle to be
I never really wanted to run away from you
Just everything I am going through
Can I have a hug and maybe a prayer?
I really appreciate the way that you care

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Christ is Risen -- Happy Easter
Christ is Risen
By: Erin
Holy week is filled with thoughts, prayers, love, tears, joy and reflection
Preparing our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection
Christ is Risen
He is Risen Indeed
Jesus did what He said he would do
He did it to save me, He did it to save you
He took on the sin of the world and of all
Which was an act of love – anything but small
Christ is Risen
He is Risen Indeed
This day reminds me how thankful I am for what Christ did for me
This day reminds me how thankful I am for what Christ has given me
This day fills my heart as I celebrated with my brothers and sisters in Christ
For we know we are now free – Jesus so unfairly died to pay our price
Christ is Risen
He is Risen Indeed
Today we rejoice because we have been freed
Christ is Risen
He is Risen Indeed
Glory to you oh Lord
Glory to you
To you Lord Jesus Christ

Saturday, April 7, 2012
By: Erin
I have experiences from time to time
Where I end up sharing some part of my story
With people who first share with me
Where they have traveled on their own journey
Today a woman shared with me the hurt and fear she felt overcome by
I replied with I have hurts and pains, you’re not alone, God will supply
I shared with her where I had been
For her daughter seems to be in a similar situation I was in
Tears began to roll down her face
And all the sudden I wanted to run from that place
Pain sat in my stomach, my chest, and my heart
I choked back tears…. Refusing to let them start
The pain in that moment came from understanding the extent to with people hurt on this earth
Physical pain, relational struggle, to not understanding our worth
My ability to relate to this woman’s fear, hurt and pain
Led me to pray:
“God help us feel love, and help comfort be attained
We are broken
Terrified too
Just bring us closer to You”
That woman and her story affected me tonight
We all have a story, a journey we’ve walked, a fear in our hearts
Sometimes we’re just trying to hold together our parts
Jesus came to bind, heal, and free
We’re called to follow Him, I love you, and you love me
We often want to run in the face of discomfort and pain
But how is that living out the Gospel even when there is no hope of gain?
We are to weep with those who weep
We are to rejoice with those who rejoice
Because we are not called to walk, journey, hurt, love, celebrate alone
God calls us to live in community, to know and be known

Patience is a virtue....right?
By: Erin
We all want things we don’t have
Well, I want patience
Maybe I was born with this deficiency
Maybe I developed it somewhere along the way
But typically I want things “right now – here in this moment – as good as yesterday”
Recovery is teaching me this virtue and trait
Often times saying to me:
“Erin, it’ will come, you’ll get there, you just have to wait.”
Now to give you a picture as to what this feels like in my heart
In that moment I fill with fear, as though I will break a part
“What if it never comes today, or any day at all?”
“What if while I’m waiting I just continue to fall?”
I struggle with patience in all areas of life you see
But recovery is the most difficult because of everything that is at stake, including me
I think it comes from fear
Lack of trust too
If I can get it now
It won’t be able to escape somehow
But recovery, like so many other things is a process
That comes slowly but surely too
So sometimes, as much as it sucks we just have to grit our teeth and walk through
Walk through the anxiety of not knowing
Walk through the pain of waiting to be better
Walk through the burning to desire to get this done
And realize that…
Even if this journey has just begun
It is worth it
Even if you’ve been walking for years
It is worth it
Even if you keep tripping and falling
It is worth it
Patience is hard, scary, frustrating and anxiety ridden as well
But we must try to develop that simple yet profound trait in order to continue on and excel

Friday, April 6, 2012
Passion Week
Passion Week
By: Erin
When you hear the word passion what comes to mind?
Maybe being in love or going at something to the grind
What about Passion Week?
What about the day Jesus was nailed to the cross unjust
As we (the people) looked at him with disgust
He took on our punishment where He died
That is where he took on all of our sin
The sin to come, the sin the is, and the sin that has been
And endured nails in his hands and feet
So that God’s plan would be complete
After all the horrible things Christ did endure
In God’s sight we are now pure
“It is finished”

Thursday, April 5, 2012
I need Comfort Tonight....
By: Erin
People cannot comfort your soul in a storm
Not to the point of turning your freezing emptiness into something warm
People are magnificent creations to be loved, celebrated, and appreciated too
But when you are drowning, God is truly the only one who can comfort you
He can silence the waves knocking you down
So you find breath just when you feel you may drown
His word speaks truth into the painful moments that terrorize our brains
His Son came to break away all those painful chains
And in the end it is His love that remains
God is love
God is trust
God is eternal
God is hope
God is power
God is comfort
He helps you stand after having fallen once again to the ground
He never leaves you – His love is forever and always around
People are magnificent creations to be loved, celebrated, and appreciated too
But God is the magnificent Creator is in love with you, here to comfort and help you through
Here to comfort and help you through
He’s always ready to whisper:
“I love you”

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
To Be Exceptional
To be Exceptional
By: Erin
I don’t know when I became afraid of being labeled “mediocre”
But as the days went by I gradually raised my bar
Always convinced that I needed to push myself to every limit to go far
I first strived to meet other people’s expectations
Then push myself to be better out of fear of my very own limitations
All to be Exceptional
What ever that is or was anyway
It never stopped
No accomplishment was good enough
And then I dropped
My life had become one catastrophe after the next
And no one realized just how complex
The insides of my body, mind and spirit had become by my own intense drive
To be exceptional in the way that I push to strive and thrive
For my brain would say
If you don’t do it one hundred and ten percent – why do it anyway
But in all that time, I had missed the point of who I am living for
Which hurt my soul, my heart, my brain and more
To be Exceptional
Is to know how to take care of you the best way you can today
So that you are healthy to be there for others in that same way
It means knowing your limitations, your strengths and your weakness too
That way I can help people, and ask for help when I need it too
To be Exceptional
Is to be true to your heart
To love people from the very start
To be kind to yourself and others without regard
And to step back, take a break, and rest (even when it is hard)
To be Exceptional
Needed to be re-defined inside of me to move forward with healing
And now looking back, my previous definition is so terribly unappealing
To be Exceptional

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
I am Overwhelmed.
I am Overwhelmed
By: Erin
I am overwhelmed
I cannot do anything right
I cannot say anything right
I am not good enough it seems
To fulfill anyone’s expectations or dreams
So this is what I hear
You are negative
You are overbearing
You are stressful
You are criticizing
You are weak; not ready
You are incapable
In my own brain this means
You are bad
You are unworthy
You are broken
You are disliked
I don’t know who to be, to fix everything I have done wrong these past few days
People are saying things in all different ways
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
But even apologies haven gotten me nowhere with you
At this point I do not know what to do
I try to do my best; to help; to work for something good
And I have felt really misunderstood
I don’t know – do I back down, walk away from all this frustrating stuff
Do I suck it up, be who I am, go for what I believe in – even though it will be tough?
I hope I am not a horrible person
I hope I don’t come across as awful as I’ve been made to feel
My treatment team says:
These are the types of relationships I need to learn to navigate and deal
I am not perfect
I am not wonderful or great
But I have been feeling a lot of stress and hate
From all different angles
All different places and spaces
I guess it’s about time Erin embraces:
Relationships are hard
Not always about me
Worth it

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