Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What do you do when....

Act Opposite 
By: Erin

What do you do when you can’t….
Go on
Keep trying

What do you do when everything…..
Goes wrong
Seems impossible
Does not make sense


My instinct tells me to….
Give up

I naturally respond to the world by acting out this way…
Binging and Purging
Self injury
Checking out

What would be better?
I know these things do not work
They just send my moods crazy wild and berserk
So this is what I try to do
It might help you too

Act Opposite

I want to quit – so I try again
I think about giving up – so I take another step
I want to stop – so I close my eyes and keep go go go
I think death – I remember who gave me life

Act Opposite

If I have the urge to binge and purge
I make self-care the thing I submerge
If my desire is to restrict my food
I spend time working to improve my mood
If I feel the need to disappear
I tell someone how I feel so they can hear
If I feel the need to check out in any way
I do something special for myself that day

Act Opposite
We’re so good at wanting what is not good for us
Sometimes we must force ourselves to progress
Act Opposite  

 Act Opposite was taught to me by Nicole in the DBT group I go to. Thanks Nicole!
It’s a skill that is helping me tonight.

We all cried

We all cried
By: Erin

Group today was rough
Emily’s text said enough:

“Call me if you need me… weird all the girls cried today”
It’s weird how sometimes it works out that way

We talked


Muttering words through tears
As we shook with our hidden fears

But as we said them out loud and realized we were not alone
The power of the fear seemed the wane
And strength we all did gain

It was rough; I was telling them hope was not real
But our very group today proved that was not true
For we were right there helping each other through

It’s easier to believe hope is gone
And the darkness has won
But if we believe that we are lying to ourselves and others
And stealing tomorrow from our sisters and brothers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Narrow or Wide -- You Choose.

Narrow or Wide
By: Erin

It was brought to my attention tonight that we have a choice to make
We can choose the path that is narrow
We can choose the path that is wide

Jesus reminds that the wide will lead to destruction
And narrow will lead to life
But will too cause us great strife

Choosing wide is easier for we get to live the way we want
Be greedy, selfish, prideful, lustful, angry, self-centered
And do all of that, more and also flaunt

But narrow is hard – we must learn from our mistakes and trials
Keep going when it’s difficult – walk a hundred more miles
Narrow takes so much work and more
For we must train ourselves, be disciplined, fight temptations, and withstand trail….
….because it is Christ who we adore

Ultimately though, those on the narrow path rest in eternal life
After all the hardship trial and strife
Rest in Heaven and they meet the King of Kings
While the others found Hell, simply because they were obsessed with earthly things

This is a choice for each of us personally between you and God up high
But remember this life is temporary – one day we will all die
And what will come will last forever more
And lead you either to eternal Hell, or Heaven’s supposedly “pearly white” door


Manipulation at its best.

By: Erin

People know that I like control
People know I like to feel empowered
People know I like to feel accomplished
People know I am goal oriented
People know I am driven

Let me tell you what people don’t know.

I manipulate my own body language, speech, presentation
Careful to show anything but my internal frustration

I have a switch that I can turn on at most any time I need
To show others that I have the capability to succeed

But I’ve learned something, or maybe come to a grand realization
My ability to take myself to hide behind my own manipulation
Has done nothing but hurt me in every way shape or form
Preventing me from getting help in the midst of a storm

So I’m becoming aware of this, more authentic to my own heart
Most of us know that realizing the problem is the very start
I know I’ve lived my life this way
Which is hard for me to say today
Because I value authenticity, real people, emotions too
So I guess I must admit I manipulate myself to hide from and impress you

But it has been hurting me I’ve realized – that I can clearly see
And on this journey to make myself whole, to make myself free
I must become aware, be gentle, and change that mold
Because honestly I was never REALLY controlled
Just showing the world one part of me, while hiding the other out of sight
But the truth is I am me, the same person in dark and in light

And I will respect the whole, entire me that I am today
Even if it would be easier to manipulate my image and hide parts of me away

Monday, February 27, 2012

Something important must be said.

Something to Say:
By: Erin 

Lately I’ve felt belittled, looked down upon, pitied too
Like you see me different than you used to
But maybe it is me that changed the way I saw myself everyday
And now that I know I’m worth much more than my illness or what I weigh
I have something to say:

Your tone that says “you child”
Is simply wild
I’m the one who has grown
As you continue to play victim and moan

I can stand on my own two feet
My legs are strong; have stood trials
And have walked many miles

I am not a charity case or something good to do
I am a girl who loves to laugh, swim, dance and talk with you
I have hardships, troubles, hurts, and trial
But if you think you don’t – you’re in denial

So be my friend
I’ll be yours
But stop acting like you have to save me
I have my support so let it be
And trust this – if I need help I know how to ask
That is one of treatment’s really big tasks

I want you to see the person that I am
Someone who is fun, loud, smart, silly, loving, and kind
I also can be direct, anal, annoying, controlling, and blunt at times
And you know what – it’s Okay if you don’t like me sometimes
But don’t treat me like I’m less than you
Because of my past, my illness, or because I’m different too.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The "I feel..." Statement

“I feel”
By: Erin 

Throughout treatment we constantly say the words “I feel”
I feel angry - I feel sad
I feel hurt - I feel mad
I feel lost - I feel tired
I feel anxious – I feel inspired

The hardest thing though is when you just want to let go
Of all the feelings that we feel so deep inside
And wish they would pour out of our soul if we just cried
But feelings cling to our souls it seems
And maybe our only relief is in our dreams

Don’t fool yourself though “numb” is a feeling like every other
It’s worse though because it has the capability to smother
Smother your desire to be you
And do what you do

So feelings I admit, we cannot escape any second or day
But we must also make note they are not all bad any way
I feel joyful – I feel good
I feel loved – I feel understood
I feel strong – I feel kind
I feel able – I feel relaxed and unwind

So while feelings can be difficult, challenging, and sometimes hard to swallow
It seems like even though there are bad feelings… good ones tend to follow
So remember that just like how – what goes up must come down
There is an end to every frown

Feelings don’t last forever; they change, shift, alter, and swing
Remember life is a ride, but you decide what you want to bring
Leave as much baggage as you can
Grudges really hurt a man
And hold your beautiful memories up high
They will help you soar through the sky

Tonight I feel peaceful, a little sad, excited and nervous, uncomfortable too.
Tonight that is how I feel – What about you?

A poem I'm posting for a friend... much love.

I said “No.”
By: Erin 

I remember……. I said “No.”
Actually I begged you to stop
I pleaded with you to leave me alone
But you didn’t

You ignored me
Abused my body
You violated me, my body, and my spirit
I remember…….I said “No.”

Time went by; my lips sealed shut
I felt filthy every single day
No one could know, the shame, the disgust

That bathroom became a place for purging the wrong you did
The filth you left inside my body
The impurity and shame I held within

Sometimes I wondered: Did I say yes in some strange way?
Sometimes I asked myself: Did I tell him I wanted that?
Sometimes I questioned: Did I deserve this?

But the truth is out, it’s loud and clear:
I remember…….I said: “No.”

My experience is not uncommon, or unique to me
This horrible thing happens at an alarming degree
I’m working through it day by day
Even though sometimes there is nothing I want to say

But I will always remember that I said “No.”
And that he should have let go.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


To my Brother, Whom I love
By: Erin 

Everyone talks about how mean kids can be
But I didn’t realize it until it came to my little brother with OCD
When I am home, my Brother and I are with each other
For I am his sister and he is my brother

He shares with me about the bullying and picking
I don’t understand the flicking and tricking
Yes, he is different, but he is kind and fun too
If you need a pencil he will give you a few
He says hello often probably even too often for some
But he always asks you what is wrong if you look glum
He has fears that don’t make sense to you or to me
Why try to scare him even more just to see?

He is sorry a lot for things he didn’t do
In large part because he wants to be accepted by you
You don’t understand him, his personality or disorder too
To be honest I don’t understand you
And I wonder if I want to

He is unbelievably kind
And has a very sharp mind
He loves children, kids and adults too
And it’s important to him to say what is true
And Brother this poem is written for you
And for every kid that feels like you do
Take heart in knowing that it does change as you grow
But never forget that I love you more than you could ever know

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sweet Victory

Sweet Victory
By: Erin 

I think big
I reach for the moon
I stretch my imagination

Those things are exciting and fun
But I also like things that have an ‘end’ and can be ‘done’
I love to check things off my list
And double check to make sure nothing was missed

My journey to health, recovery, balance and life can’t look like that
For this is something that I will forever work at
The second I check something off my ‘list’ it pops up again times two
So ultimately this ‘list’ is impossible to get through

But rather I find sweet victory in the little things
Like feeling self love during the day
Or making time for yourself to relax and play
How about doing that one thing you’ve been trying to do
Or just making sure you take care of you

I still think big
I still reach for the moon
I still stretch my imagination

I just now realize that I can do those things in a new way
A way where I stay healthy and get through the day
And celebrate my moments of being me
And the time we’re together to be ‘we’

It’s strange because what was once so contradictory
Is now my sweet victory

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sharing My Story

Sharing is Caring
By: Erin 

Have you ever heard that phrase?
“Sharing is caring”
Maybe in your kindergarten days…..
I think for me it’s never been more true
When it comes to sharing with the world, my friends or just you

I tell people my story, the up and the down
Times when I’ve flown and times when I’ve hit the ground
I chat about my past hurts, my current trials, frustrations too
It’s amazing how many people can relate to what I’ve been through

I share my life with my friends, my family, and those near by
No matter if I need to laugh, talk, scream, smile or cry
I discuss my goals, dreams, ambitions and hopes
Also my fears about being held down by my own ropes

I cannot walk this walk alone, and neither can any of you
It’s easy to be embarrassed and ashamed but think this through
To feel better, less alone, less strange or distant
We must choose to share our lives and become resistant

Resistant to desires to hide away out of sight
Resistant to push others away by picking a fight

Resiliency is something inside each of us encouraged by hope and love
It is something we become by knowing we are not alone
And by sharing our stories and lives we will become known
By becoming known we are caring for ourselves by reminding us “we’re OK”
We too are caring for others in much of the exact same way
So really I have no problem stand up and declaring:
Sharing really is caring 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Happened Tonight.

I chose darkness tonight
By: Erin

Remember being little and picturing the little people on your shoulders?
One representing good and one representing evil?
That concept never really stops being true, even as we grow older

Tonight I made a choice to gratify the dark sitting on my shoulder
Like so many other times the darkness felt as heavy as a boulder
Weighing heavy in my heart and heavy in my mind
Convincing me that darkness was the way I was defined

Paralyzed by my own emotions, past, fear, shortcomings, and trauma
I laid in bed, silently crying wanting to held by my mamma
Not knowing when this would stop, ease up or break the pain
I felt like I was burning inside and going insane

I had thoughts I did not want
Memories that continued to haunt
Temptations that kept running through my brain fast
By my own self I felt harassed

Sitting alone unsure of what to do
I made the decision to take my pain and cut my skin through
I feel shame, guilt, and embarrassment too
Because light is what I want to pursue

The darkness within me jumped for joy
As though everything had worked, their secret ploy
And I delved deeper into myself as the tears began to fall
Then made the choice to use my voice to tell my roommate it all

Worry walked across her face
Nervous energy and fear filled this place
She loved on me and hugged on me
"Its ok, but let me check it, I need to see"

I hesitantly showed my hips one of which said “No”
I was embarrassed for her to see, and for me to show
But having her know reminded me this is smaller than who I am
I am stronger than the darkness’ great scam

For as a daughter of light I seek after goodness and joy
Laughter, perseverance, and love are things I employ
As tonight proves I will not be perfect as I walk this journey and trail
But until I give up and turn back, there is no way I can fail

Tonight I chose something dark
And on my skin I left a mark
But I am not defined by that moment of pain
Or the terrible thoughts in my brain

Right now I choose light
By getting rid of my shame, my embarrassment and fear
And share with you what happened during this particular fight
For I can never undo what I did tonight
But when there is darkness, light is always near

Becoming Less Like Me!

Less like Me
By: Erin 

Each year since I was young
Ash Wednesday would quickly come
And I would think and think about which food I would deprive myself of
Convincing myself it was to please the big guy above

But not this Lenten Journey

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To sing praise
In many different ways

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To build others up and make them feel their worth
The worth they were given even before their birth

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To speak kind words about myself inside and out
The negative talk is something I could do without

I’m going to prepare my heart to tame my tongue
To foster light instead of the night we so often find
Because that is why we are here, as this season will remind

To do this, I will add a special time of prayer
For these things I did just share
To do this, I will write verses on my hand
To remind me of this journey when life does not go as planned
To do this, I will have people remind me when I forget
Very kindly of course, so there is no threat

I’m excited for this Lenten season
For this very reason:
It’s about becoming more like Christ and less like me
And that is how I want to be

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just Be You

Just Be You
By: Erin 

Let’s make a deal
We’re going to say how we feel
Let’s take off the mask
We’re going to need help, but we will just ask

The deal is you will just be you
And I’ll just be me too

We won’t have to hide
And we will feel so much better inside
I understand the risk you may fear
But can’t you see the worst case scenario is already here?

No one knows who they are or what they are about
Which leads people to shout, doubt, and act out
Insecurities run as high as the sky
So we see what is cool, the fashion or trend and try to comply

But this deal is for each of us different and a like
Take a picture of you as a child being who you are and go on strike
Strike against impossible expectations you’re killing yourself to meet
Instead be who you are, or you who want to be complete

The truth is that is the person I want to know
Not the person you’ve been used to giving as a show
I bet you’re cool and funny and corky just the way you are
Even if you also have a scar

I too have a hard time being me
It’s hard for me to let people in to really see
But when I see people who are who they are
I see something bright, something bright like a star
And that makes it ok for me to be me
And to even show something like my own personal weird-shaped-BEAUTIFUL scar

Friday, February 17, 2012

A poem for my family :)

Hoping for Recovery
By: Erin 

Mother and Father I love you so
I was your princess, my King and Queen
Brother and Sisters I love you so
I was your comrade, my partners in crime
Hugs and Kisses – laughter too
Dancing and spinning, singing and talking

Darkness fell one horrid night
ED attacked, and terror jumped inside our home
 Ugly words, fear, hate and blame
Tears were never-ending

Exhaustion, frustration, anger
Exhaustion, frustration, anger
Exhaustion, frustration, anger

I ran from you and the darkness of our home
….darkness followed
At times terror consumed my very being
I wanted you, your warm embrace
You rescued me a number of times…. But tensions always returned

It is not until now
After facing the darkness
Do I see your Love
Was there always
Each day
Holding your breath
Hoping for

What treatment is for me.

By: Erin 

It is some days my saving grace
It is at times a distressing place

It is on occasion a kind reminder
It is sometimes a fault finder

It is sometimes my friend, my support
It is some days not such a kind sort

The people I have met along the way
Have definitely helped me to stay

They have held my hand, and let me cry
They know that it’s tough, and help me comply

Family Service, Varner house, RMH, and Remuda too
All I have sought treatment, and you have seen me through

I know treatment will never really come to an end
Not for those, whose life shows this struggle and trend
But as I grow, change, and learn what I need, my treatment will definitely change and bend

So while I’ve settled in, prepared for the ride
I’ll do my best to take it in stride
Constantly getting better at taking care of me, on the inside

And when it’s hard, long and tiring
I’ll remember those people mentioned above because they are inspiring

Treatment is tough, long and difficult too
But if you’re like me, you know it’s not optional because it saved my life and got me through

Thursday, February 16, 2012

No one is average.....

By: Erin 

As a little one my teachers said I was an average child
I guess they judged me by the way my clothes always had patterns that were wild
School was not my favorite thing to do
No, apparently I’d rather play, or talk and get to know you

But later in my kid years I grew to be afraid of that word
Average, mediocre, common, or third
For I knew in my heart there was something special inside me
And it was something I wanted others to see

So I showed off to all that I could
Studied more than I should
Convinced myself I had to be the best to be good
But really I misunderstood

I was never average, mediocre, or ordinary too
And my friend, the same goes for you
You have talents, gifts, quirks, and abilities unlike any other
It’s something you can do without your big brother

Some people dance, sing, or play
Others are natural at leading the way
Still others pay close attention to what must get done
And some people are great at having fun

No one is ordinary, common or average no matter how big or small
We’re each our own person, with our own talents and tastes
I think that’s better all in all