Saturday, March 31, 2012

What Matters to You?

What Matters?
By: Erin

Today was a big day
In each and every way

Love was celebrated
Hope was demonstrated
Friends were appreciated
God was praised for what he has created

And in my heart was fear
Fear of everything unclear
Everything I could not understand
Both the small and the grand 

But -- what matters?
What moments will I share with those around?
Which things will I remember with love and astound?
What matters?

Every day is a big day 
We only get one “today” each day
And we will have both the good and the bad
We will have both the happy and the sad
But what do you want to give weight to?
What do you want to pursue?
What matters?
What matters to you?

I want to control Everything.

Itching for Control
By: Erin

Seems a good word to describe my current feeling
More and more control would be the most appealing

I can feel it by way of my thoughts
I can feel it by way of temptations too
I can feel it by urges pulsing through

I know people see this inside of me and think
“She’s annoying, anal, and strange or needs a drink…”
I wish I could make it go away
For I know it sometimes prevents me from the healthy way

The itching is intense from time to time and day to day
And manifests itself in different ways
It is almost painful the need to feel like something is within my control
As though feeling in control will make me feel 'complete' and 'whole'

I don’t want this to be my fate for the rest of my days
And I know I can continue to change my ways
But it is super hard with all of this itching and pain
Especially when “Just control this and all will be good” sits in my brain

I guess it is another fight
I’m sure a deeper issue I’ve avoided with my might
And awareness sheds light
So maybe there can be an end to this loooonnngggg night

Friday, March 30, 2012

Feeling misunderstood is hard.

Know who you are
By: Erin

I cannot please everyone that I know
Which is hard for me to accept and understand 
There are often so many people saying so many things
But I must know who I am, and I must know where I stand

I love Jesus – and I’m made clean not dirty, not bad
I am not weak, just because I experience depression and being sad

Nothing is perfect – but I believe things can be better than today
And it is our job, to go after them and make them better in every way

I have struggles, hurts, deep fears too
But I cannot be concerned or preoccupied with who I am to you
Because I am who I am
The person God designed me to be

Far from perfect, great or even good
But deserving of respect and being understood
That I am who I am
Trying honestly trying
And even complying

But it must be known I am who I am
The person God created me to be
Praying that I can make things better someway somehow
And put good use to this body and time God has graciously allowed

Know who you are today
People might not get it in any way
But you are who you are
Who you were created to be
Nothing is better than honesty

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Walk for Hope

Walk for Hope
By: Erin

One step
Two Step
Three Step

Don’t give up… just a few more

Five step
Six step
Seven step

All of us walking…. can relate

Nine step
Ten step
Oh no I must stop
Hold on… I feel I may drop
Take a break, slow down if you need
But ultimately we will proceed


We are walking for hope one step at a time
Sometimes sloped downhill, sometimes a climb
But, we will continue on – day and night
For HOPE is absolutely worth the fight
Without it we have nothing but darkness and despair
So that is why we walk to find it – here, there, everywhere

Walk for Hope

Let’s keep going
And as our group is growing
We will continue to

Walk for Hope

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

the frustrating things...

You can refuse
By: Erin

I am tempted to believe
I need to prove something to you
It’s like you see weakness in me
Where I know there is strength to be

I’ll admit I wish you saw me for who I am
The person I have always been
The person I love and I am proud of within


It became apparent that you do not 
See me beyond your own brain and thought
Which is hard because I want to prove to you, whom I care about
That I am finally learning, morphing, adjusting throughout

It is true convincing you is a waste of time and day
And it probably would not work anyway


Ultimately I should have not to prove to anyone who is inside me
Because I am fine to be me – and me is who you see
You might not see my progress with your eyes
So you question my judgment even when I try

So, I will not fight the fact that you see someone weak in my face
Because ultimately your thoughts about me don’t matter in the first place
I am stronger today than ever prior day
And if you don’t see that – it is okay
At that point I must wonder what is the issue with you
It’s something you might want to attend to

Friday, March 23, 2012

If I could just be perfect...

Perfectly Imperfect
By: Erin

My mind says
You must be
Everything you see
In this list below
That is what you shall show

Very thin
Firm yet Gentle
Strong yet humble
Always kind
Smart without being annoying
Well versed in the “right thing to say”
Accidently funny

And I was killing myself trying to meet those expectations
For I would never get to all of those destinations
I am not perfect
And that is what I want to be
So that no one will have a chance to see
Who I am today
Me for me

But here I am – I think this is right
It may be a little different from your view or sight

Loud (really loud)
Blunt yet kind
Strong physically, mentally, emotionally
Manipulative when I am scared
Organized if I care
Smart and sometimes annoying
Way too well versed in the “right thing to say”
Awkwardly funny
Childish sometimes
Arrogant at times
Stubborn and difficult

There are definitely things I need to work through, talk through, and change to move ahead
So that my recovery can continue to spread
Inside of myself
My body
My mind
My soul

And to do that I must accept where I am today
Instead of wishing for something impossible and faraway

Today you will see
I am me for me
Perfectly Imperfect
Just how I’m supposed to be


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Judging Myself...

Judging Myself
By: Erin

The past few days I have been judging myself in every way I can

You’re treatment is taking too long
There must be something wrong with you
Other people notice it too

Moments like these make me want to do something reckless

Who cares – what is the point anyway
You heard that woman say:
She was in therapy for one and a half years
Yours will never end or so it appears

Yeah you’ve made strides in the recent months and weeks
But isn’t life without treatment what I seek

Why would I need it for so many years
When it seems so different for my peers

I feel embarrassment and shame
I feel awkward and lame
Why is this what they say I need?
When I want right now to give it up and proceed

Without the extra professional support
And try it on my own or something of the sort

So many emotions
Weird feelings too
But I do know what I will do

I’m going to follow this treatment plan
I never want to return to where I began
So I will swallow my pride
Continue with on this journey for however long it takes
For what we’re talking about has really high stakes

I will do my best to not compare with those I see
And try my best to focus on what is actually best for me

This is hard.


Something we all must know.

We must all know
By: Erin

Yesterday an old friend shared something hard
My heart went out to her pain and struggle
But I knew I did not understand

I have not walked this walk she’s been on
Where she has felt trampled upon
I cannot understand the exact beating her heart has endured
Or really understand the ways it’s shaped her and matured

Everyone is trying to get by in their own way
Desperately trying to get through the day

So we cannot understand the ins and outs
Of everyone’s emotions, fears, pain, and doubts
Because we cannot truly walk in their shoes
Or understand each and every bruise

But you can walk beside them as they travel
Remind them they are not alone if they fall in the gravel

If you don’t know where someone has been before
Recognize that their life, struggles and pains are different than yours

Grab their hand
Say: “You know, I don’t understand”
“But I care a lot about you”
“I want you to know and believe that is true”
“You are not alone in this storm”
“I will hug you if you need something warm”

No person will ever understand our lives in every single way
But that does not mean we’re alone each day



Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cut in two.

The Split
By: Erin
There are two very distinct parts of me right now
My brain, mind and intellectual side
Then too my touchy, feeling, emotional part too

Currently these parts of me are distinct 
I truly wish they were more linked
But somewhere down the line they separated in two
And this changes how I act and what I do

This may sound strange, but to me it finally makes sense
I can better understand some of why things have been so intense

My mind likes to force my emotions into a box
Then proceeds to bind it in chains with locks 
A disruption occurs and the chains are broken free
My emotions take over to a scary and alarming degree

I then spin into crisis unable to handle the feeling
All of which I have kept myself from dealing
While before my mind took control so that I could be the “best” I could be
And others would see
There is worth inside of me

But now I am left cut in two
And I have to learn what to do
Because I want my mind and my heart to be connected in some way
To add more life, stability, and love to my day

I’ve run from this truth for a little while
But I’m ready to face it, head on (sometimes with a smile)
But once again this process never really finishes or comes to an end
But I hope it takes my two halves and begins to mend
My mind and my heart together
So, I may begin to feel a little better

Dedicated to:  
S & T – For the difficult but caring conversation with me when this realization first surfaced

A & N – The two people that are working hard to help me recognize when and how I am separating myself – even when I don’t want to


Anyone need a hug?

A Hug
By: Erin

A Hug
Makes my cold body warm
And calms my heart during a storm

A Hug
Silences the screaming thoughts in my head
Speaks words that cannot be said

A Hug
Adds love and joy to moments of thrill
It’s perfect for celebrating after climbing a hill

A Hug
Reminds me that through life I walk not alone
As I am held, muscle and bone

A Hug
Transfers energy from one person to the next
It is amazing to see its positive effects

Hugs help me on this journey and path
But remember it takes at least two to hug
Do the math

A Hug
Is the perfect example of our need for each other
For we are all sister and brother

A Hug
Demonstrates the power of a team
Especially when it feels we are walking upstream

A Hug
Symbolizes how we were built for community and love
That’s how He wanted it – the big guy above

A Hug
Relaxes the soul so we know it will be okay
Without there even being words to say

A Hug
Goes a million miles to
Heal the pain
Ease the strain
Release the blame
Remove the shame
Say I love you
Help us to get through
But most of all
Break down the wall
That keeps me from knowing you
After all
 We are both beautiful
That is true

Sometimes We Cannot Sleep

Long Lost Sleep
By: Erin

You know those nights where sleep slips away?
And your mind floats this, that, and the other way…
Yeah – not my favorite time of day

The dark seems darker
The cold seems colder
The scary seems scarier

And all you can think is:
“Okay, now it’s time to go to sleep.”
You even try counting sheep

But you do this to no avail
And we all hate to fail
Especially when it’s something we need
In order to function and succeed

But some nights it slips away gone
And some nights it comes off and on
Which is frustrating to no end
Because our minds make the darkness grow and extend
During this time when we are awake
When it blissful sleep for which we ache


Monday, March 19, 2012

How I got through today....

Grace for Today
By: Erin

I was given so much grace today
In such a very simple yet profound way

First through dinner with friends
Those times you wish had no end

Then through my friend Anna with an inspiring talk
About our plan for next year
And where we will walk

Finally then Michelle who sat and shared with me
Allowing each other to just relax and ‘be’
The way we felt, and say what needed to be said
Including random thoughts inside our heads

That was my grace today
Given by God in a simple but profound way
And with all the rough stuff in a day
I must must say
Praise you Lord for this beautifully difficult day


Stressed? Yeah. Me too.

By: Erin

“Kill me now”
“This is impossible…. HOW?”
“I will never get this done.”
“I just want to be in the sun.”

Sweating bullets
Beating heart
I don’t even want to start

I can’t do this
I’m not good enough
This is going to be sooooo rough


Just stop for a moment
Breathe in breathe out
Let the oxygen work throughout

Make a list
Chug through it with time – persist
Take breaks as you need
Then continue on and proceed
Don’t forget to breathe in air
Stretch, stand or say a prayer
Then keep going – you’re almost done
Then you can play in the sun

For things a list won’t help or relieve
Remind yourself and try to believe
This stress will not last forever more
So ride it out as you’ve done before
Apply self-care
Here – there – everywhere
And don’t forget you are not on your own
We’re right here – just pick up your phone

Stress is real
We have to deal


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Praying through Tears

Praying through Tears
By: Erin

Dear Jesus,
Please hear my cry tonight through my silent tears
I am so exhausted, so tired, so overwhelmed by the years

Drops of water flow down my face or sometimes mask
I need your love and grace to take me over…..

I cannot breathe, think or form words with my lips
I am at the point of losing my grip
I need you Jesus

I cannot do this; I cannot battle this fight anymore
Without you there is no hope – I am done for
Save me right now from the darkness in my head
Even the dark thoughts that are left unsaid

I feel all alone, trapped, bound, and broken
So please hear my prayer through these tears – unspoken

I need your love and grace to take me over….

I cannot do this; not without you
I need you Jesus
That is true


I am in pain.

By: Erin

Straining my Soul
Heating my Heart
Beating my Bones


Intentionally look Inward
Cower from the Crowd
React without Recognition


Desperately chase Denial
Sit in the Situation
Pursue a greater Purpose


No one can say “Never”
Everyone faces it Eventually
People can choose to Persevere


Together we will Triumph
Make it through the Madness
Help bring hope to the Hurting



Worry at the edge of a cliff.

By: Erin

Dedicated: To my mom: I love you so much.

Worry sits in places of my body
Like in my chest
Like in my stomach
Like in my shoulders
And some of the rest

Worry eats at my heart and my soul
Pushing and fighting my mind for control

“Don’t enjoy the moment you’re in.”
“Obsess over the ones that have yet to begin.”

Worry creeps into my being unwanted uninvited
Ruining my joy with the question: “What if?”
Feeling as though you are living on the edge of a cliff

Preventing trust, hope, love and peace
Worry does nothing but make discomfort increase

So how do we combat this difficult and hard feeling?
This is something I need to face – as part of my healing

The truth is I don’t know
Right now I’m wracked with worry to the extreme
And it seems never ending – like a rushing stream

But if God is sovereign over everything like we’ve been taught
I guess the only thing I can think of is to pray and give him a shot

A shot to work in my heart
For the wisdom he does impart
A shot to allow me to grow
It is true I may be a little hesitant though
A shot to do work in me
So that others may see
There is no need to worry after all
Christ died for it all


Saturday, March 17, 2012

After a Storm

Hanging On
By: Erin

I feel lost today
In every single way

Not sure where I am headed
Or even where I want to go
Sometimes it seems impossible to know
Which is the direction I should choose
Everyone says something different – I am confused

This makes me crave control
And fosters the desire to burry myself in a hole
My thoughts unwanted creep into my head
I remember all the horrible things everyone has said
The dark clouds move in and I retreat inside
Thinking to myself “oh well, I tried”

Suddenly my hips seem grow
I forget the how to use the word “no”

Anger fills my heart
I want to rip my body apart

The tears fall faster than ever before
And I don’t want to live anymore

But just when it seems impossible to hang on
I peak out from my hole and realize what has come
It is dawn

The clouds have broken, and sunlight has come through
My hips returned to their size that is true

My heart is again filled with love, hope and joy
I am thankful it was not my body that I did destroy

My tears had stopped after seeing the light
And desiring my life after realizing it will be alright

I feel lost and other difficult things some days
And I often react in many ways

I’m struggling to learn ways to manage and cope
But after a storm there is always hope
It is dawn

It always comes...hang on


Friday, March 16, 2012

In the "Grey".

What is the right thing?
By: Erin

Black – White – Grey
It is true we often think this way

Should I
Would I
Could I

What is the right thing?
My heart says do this
My brain says do that
My gut says something different too

I wish I just knew what to do

I’ll do my best do make the right choice

That is helpful
That is kind
That is edifying
That is good

To do this I will use my actions and my voice

I will not do this perfect each and every day
And most of the time things are less
Black and White
And much much more grey

We must rely on God to tell us what is truth in our heart
We must be willing to walk down the hard road if we want to start

To do the right thing
Means making choices that will sometimes sting
But those very choices bring truth and smiles
As they help carry us through our darkest trials


What I know to be true.


I love you, but I can’t save you
By: Erin 

You are my friend, my family
I love you more than you will ever know
We have been through both times that were high and times that were low
But there is something that must me said
It’s been something I’ve known but ignored up in my head

You make me smile when I remember our times
But you also make me cry when you hurt yourself or others sometimes

You make me laugh out loud when you tell your jokes
But you also use your words to hurt, manipulate, lie and coax

I love when the two of us are joined at the arm
But it causes me so much distress when you inflict severe self-harm

I love when we stay up all night making promises and wishing on stars
But it kills me to then look down and see all of your scars

You are my friend, my family
I love you more than you will ever know
We have been through both times that were high and times that were low
But there is something that must be said
It’s been something I’ve known but ignored up in my head

I cannot continue to keep your secrets buried deep
For those secrets don’t allow me to sleep

I will no longer engage in our destructive days or nights
This may cause arguments and even fights
But this is not healthy for me or for you
That is the only thing I know to be true

It is my hope that by me pulling away and getting support
That you might also want something of that sort
But I need you to know that while I love you through and through
There is no way I can save you
Not like the two of us used to believe we would do
Like the way I would expect you to save me too
It’s not fair
It’s not right
All that belief will do is prolong the darkness
And stifle any possibility of light

I love you, but I can’t save you
And you can’t save me either
That is what I know to be true